What Arya's new weapon could mean for Game of Thrones


Spoilers to come for "Winterfell", episode 1 of Game of thrones, season 8.

In Game of thronesThis is the first season of season 8, Arya Stark finds his crush, Gendry, also blacksmith, and asks him to make a new mysterious weapon. We only see one drawing she drew, but there are some clues to Arya's past about what the weapon might be.

Arya's arsenal is already full. During Season 7, she got her hands on a new weapon, a Valyrian steel dagger whose name was not revealed, the same one that was used during an attempt to get the job done. assassination against his younger brother, Bran Stark. She also has her Needle's sword, which Jon Snow gave her in Season 1. This weapon has served her well in Saber-fighting style Dancing in the Water, where she must be agile and fast . But as she reminds Jon in "Winterfell", it's not Valyrian steel. It would be useless to use it against undead White Walkers from the north.

Presumably, the new weapon that Gendry will command to Arya will help him face the White Walkers at a safer distance, rather than having to come close to him to stab her with his Valyrian dagger. . The diagrams show that part of the weapon is in dragonglass, a material that kills White Walkers. and wights. It also looks like the dragonglass part is detachable and can be inserted into a longer stick-like weapon, with a handle at the other end or another stabby part.

Arya's training in seasons 5 and 6 also teaches us how to control the bat and how to change weapons, as she does when she trains with Brienne of Tarth in season 7, with Needle and his dagger. Thus, the new weapon she commands could combine a stick and a dagger, in order to take full advantage of Arya's formation from different sources. And this suggests a weapon that can change state during combat, to invite a more creative combat choreography.

She is smart to prepare. Let's hope she's not the only one to have a new fighting weapon against the White Walker this season. Jon brought dragonstone dragonglass stores home last season. So there should be a lot of material to create creative weapons against the undead.


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