House Committees Issue Subpoena Before Deutsche Bank


The full scope of the subpoenas addressed to Deutsche Bank could not be determined. The subpoena is aimed at obtaining information about Deutsche Bank's loans to Trump and the Trump organization, a person familiar with the case told CNN.

Adam Schiff, chairman of House Intelligence, said the subpoenas had been sent to Deutsche Bank and other financial institutions, and that Deutsche Bank had asked the "committees" for a "subpoena".

"As part of its oversight authority and its investigation of allegations of potential foreign influence on the US political process, the House Intelligence Committee today issued subpoenas to numerous financial institutions, in coordination with the House Financial Services Committee, including an amicable summons to Deutsche Bank, and we look forward to their cooperation and compliance, "Schiff said in a statement.

House Financial Services Chair Maxine Waters said in a separate statement, "The potential use of the US financial system for illicit purposes is a very serious concern." The Financial Services Committee is currently reviewing these issues, because they can involve the president and his associates, as closely as possible, in accordance with his supervisory authority, and will follow the facts wherever they lead us. "

Deutsche has granted approximately $ 300 million in loans to the Trump organization. The German lender is one of the few major banks willing to do business with the real estate developer.

The bank has not made any new loans to the company since Trump took office.

"Deutsche Bank is engaged in a productive dialogue with the House Financial Services and Intelligence Committees," Deutsche Bank said in a statement. "We remain committed to providing appropriate information to all authorized investigations in accordance with our legal obligations.If you have any questions regarding the investigative activities of the committees, we refer you to the committees themselves."

JPMorgan Chase was one of the other banks to receive Monday subpoenas from House committees, said a second person. The subpoena is aimed at obtaining documents relating to the bank's business with a list of people suspected of being linked to money laundering, said the person.

Banks are asking for summonses to appear in Congress because they need to overcome the rules prohibiting the sharing of confidential information about their customers.

The New York Times first reported the assignments to the banks.

The two committees are working together to study Trump's relationship with Deutsche Bank and, more generally, Trump's finances, one of the many ways House Democrats are probing to examine Trump and his businesses.

House Supervision Chair Elijah Cummings sent the chartered accounting firm Mazars USA a subpoena, at the firm's request, for 10 years of Trump's financial documents. Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, provided the committee with the 2011-2013 Trump financial statements prepared by Mazars, in which he accused Trump of having inflated his net worth while he was attempting to buy the Buffalo Bills football team.

In addition, Schiff, Waters and Cummings jointly sent a letter to Capital One Bank requesting financial information relating to the Trump International Hotel. The bank told legislators that it needed a subpoena to respond to the request.

When Schiff announced the Trump Finance Committee's investigation in February, he said the investigation would "determine if a foreign player was seeking to compromise or leverage, financial or other, about Donald Trump, his family, his company or his collaborators ".

This story has been updated.

CNN's Manu Raju contributed to this report.


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