Bernie Sanders Fox City Hall: Bret Baier's medical assistance survey turned against him


Bernie Sanders' Fox News case on Monday night was the uncomfortable mix that could be expected. If Fox saw this as a clash between the ideological titans and the Vermont senator representing "democratic socialism" and the Fox hosts representing capitalism, they might have underestimated the popularity of Sanders – and the platform. Sanders form – from the public.

After Sanders answered a public question about why government-provided private health care described his health care proposal, Baier decided to survey the public about it, asking if they would prefer it to the current private sector. provided health insurance. (This framework evokes Barack Obama's famous promise that "if you love your health care, you can keep it" – which the Conservatives and Fox News often see as a symbol of Obamacare's broken promises.)

The poll … did not happen as Baier seems to have thought.

It is obvious that Fox did not stack the town hall with conservatives or people who hated Bernie Sanders; while the first speaker was a student organizer from the conservative youth organization Turning Point USA, the latter was a progressive organizer who had campaigned for Clinton.

McCallum and Baier asked Sanders the questions that would normally be expected with Fox News – as if he asked if the success of his book was not proof that capitalism was working. It seems unlikely that they anticipated such an enthusiastic response from a public of studios to the idea of ​​government-run health care.

This perhaps proves the central point of Sanders' campaign rhetoric: the American people as a whole, not just the Progressive Democrats, really want the government to guarantee them a certain standard of living. This may just prove that Sanders is a good politician who is adept at presenting his favorite policies in a way that pleases people. Anyway, it's a good illustration of why he's a 2020 favorite.


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