American Idol Recap: The Top 10 Revelations And Eliminations – Watchmaking Performances


Nobody expected at the Monday episode of American idol – which reduced the number of finalists to ten – to be easy, but I do not think anyone expects it to be so complicated.

Ryan Seacrest, uncomfortable, discusses with the candidates (most of whom answered in one word, desperately trying to move on) to his Great Clumsy ads of individual results (these pretenses were … bad), the first official live episode of the season was … rather messy. And that does not even include the moments when the judges literally discussed the cumbersome process of eliminating this show.

Let's start with the artists that the United States ranked in the Top 10: Madison VanDenburg, Walker Burroughs, Jeremiah Lloyd Harmon, Wade Cota, Laci Kaye Booth, Hardy Wool and Alejandro Aranda. These finalists presented the audience with some air of victory, while the less fortunate – Evelyn Cormier, Riley Thompson, Alyssa Raghu, Graham Dimitrius, Ashley Hess, Eddie Island and Uche – had to sing … lives. (Where is RuPaul when you need her ?!)

Before arriving at the final results, let's break down each of tonight's performances:

MADISON VANDENBURG (Lady Gaga, "You and me") | Even though VanDenburg did not seem really ready to rock 'n' roll – the first of many uncomfortable moments of the live show tonight – she was successful, gently taking off and crescendo in an explosion dramatic voice. It was a good start for a tense evening and I never doubted for a second of his place in the Top 10. Category B

EVELYN CORMIER (Kansas, "The dust in the wind") | It seems to me that I appreciate Cormier much more than your average Idol I was not surprised to learn that America did not choose to place it in the Top 10. And this popular classic was a much better song choice than Jimmy Eat World's jam last night, which proved to be a bit too aggressive for Cormier. aerial style. It was a good performance – despite his understandable nerves, caused by the process of eliminating the series, certainly "clumsy", but it's exactly the kind of things we've always received from him. She has a lot of energy, but very little reach. And by that time, I realized that I was going to lose her tonight. Category B- (Click here to watch!)

WALKER BURROUGHS (Jonas Brothers, "Lovebug") | I began to wonder what Burroughs' place was in this competition after last night's match. Sound of music curveball, but my doubts dissipated after seeing his cute performance of this jam (certainly already) cute. The energy was there, the voice was there … but we really need to talk about this wink:

Walker Burroughs American Idol

Like, how are we feeling? I hated it, but I did not deduce points for that. Category B (Click here to watch!)

RILEY THOMPSON (Alan Jackson, "It must be love") | Surrounded by glittering hearts and wearing something straight out of Glinda's closet badThompson looked like a Valentine's Day card in human form. And his performance of this optimistic country bop was just as sweet, yet still solid. Luke Bryan could not believe America had not voted for her, but I could. America is a hater. Grade: A-

JEREMIAH LLOYD HARMON ("Almost the sky") | As a thank you for having featured in the Top 10, Harmon – after a very awkward conversation with Seacrest backstage – offered America to attend a cover of the original song that he had used for his unforgettable audition. From the point of view of the exhibition, it was a brilliant choice from Harmon; this former church concierge managed to turn a song that he wrote into a bona fide ear worm, a song that he can carry away long after his stint at Idol . That said, it was just not as impressive this time (although supported by a full orchestra), and Harmon's voice was not as loud as I expected. Category B (Click here to watch!)

ALYSSA RAGHU (Katy Perry, "The one who escaped") | America may not have voted Raghu in the Top 10, but this sauce was cooked tonight, serving a sincere interpretation of this success of Perry. (Honestly, I give him a fair credit for singing this in the presence of Perry.) As far as I'm concerned, this performance earned Raghu a backup. Grade: A-

WADE COTA (Lynyrd Skynyrd, "The Simple Man") | I was glad to see that America had passed it, and I was not at all surprised by the deadly performance with which he had thanked them. That's all the roar and energy we expect from him at this point. What is there to say? Grade: A

DIMITRIUS GRAHAM (Billie Eilish, "When the party is over") | There is no doubt that Graham has put all his heart and soul into this performance. He sang like someone who knew his days in the competition were numbered. And although I motivated him all season, there was very little to enjoy here, with the exception of some remarkable high notes. Category B- (Click here to watch!)

LACI KAYE BOOTH (Fleetwood Mac, "As long as you follow") | I always thought Booth was one of the coolest candidates this season, and she still proves it tonight with effortless performance. By touring the scene as if she had been doing it for decades, she transmitted to us all the stifling emotions and hoarse tones that we aspire from our country. Grade: A-

EDDIE ISLAND (Kings of León, "Uses Someone") | As a person who truly appreciated what Island has sold so far, I'm not happy to say it was by far the worst performance of the season – not just Island. These vocals were ubiquitous and it was when they bothered to show themselves. Seacrest did its best to have a cheerful face during the post-song interview, but nothing concealed this show. Grade: D (Click here to watch!)

ASHLEY HESS (Stevie Wonder, "Sir Duke") | America was 100% wrong in not placing Hess in the Top 10, which she reminded them by thrilling this Motown classic while wearing a sparkling black pantsuit. A natural artist, whether behind a piano or standing up, she's just great. Grade: A- (Click here to watch!)

LAINE HARDY (The Pagan Band, "Hurricane") | Last night, I said that Hardy was so comfortable onstage that he almost seemed to be bored. Well, tonight was my to be bored because I could hardly stay awake through the same old Hardy shtick. Did he sing well? Sure. But we deserve better. (And I could do it with about 50% less than Perry who loves "hot smoking," Hardy.) Category B (Click here to watch!)

ALEJANDRO ARANDA ("Love Cholo") | I think whenever the word "dishwasher" flashes on the screen under the name of Aranda. This should surely say "platinum multi-disc artist", right? Every original song we heard from him sounds like being ready for the radio, and this one is no exception. I'm glad America picked him up in the Top 10, but I'd be curious to see how well he qualifies for the competition. Anyway, he will be a star. Grade: A- (Click here to watch!)

UCHE (Rihanna, "Diamonds") | The spirit of La'Porsha Renae was with Uche tonight when he delivered one of the most dramatic renditions of this song I have ever heard. It was not perfect, but it was powerful, especially because you could feel Uche's pain – even before it received a double sympathy from Seacrest and Lionel Richie (this last maybe just trying to steal Uche's gasoline, I did not do it. have a good look at it). Grade: B +

But grief soon set the stage for victory, while Richie voted to place Uche in the Top 10, leaving two places to win: Bryan, who changed his mind three times tonight, chose to save Graham, while Perry chose to keep Raghu. Shocker.

Ladies and Gentlemen, your Top 10 Official: Madison VanDenburg, Walker Burroughs, Jeremiah Lloyd Harmon, Wade Cota, Laci Kaye Booth, Hardy Wool, Alejandro Aranda, Uche, Dimitrius Graham and Alyssa Raghu.

Do you think the four good candidates have been eliminated from the competition tonight? Vote for your favorite performances in our poll below, then post a comment with more of your thoughts.


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