Burger King will only serve Whoppers tomorrow to try to revive the love of consumers


Burger King is launching "The Whopper Mandate" tomorrow, a promotional day at which it will offer its iconic burger, the Whopper, free of charge to customers who download its app – but anyone wishing to order something else will be unlucky.

An out-of-home and press campaign, created by Bartle Bogle Hegarty in London, was launched today to clarify the terms of the agreement. It will be followed by a pair of films that will be broadcast tomorrow.

Burger King said it was the first Whopper campaign in the UK for a decade – although product marketing cases include #WhopperExchange, Boxing Day 2016, when consumers were invited to exchange unwanted Christmas gifts against a hamburger.

Outside of the UK, the Whopper was featured in the 2017 Google Home of the Whopper, written by David from Miami, who tried to trick Google's voice assistant into giving him information about the Whopper.

In 2016, Buzzman created "Whopper Blackout", a seven-minute film for Burger King France that tells the story of what happened when Burger King left the country in 1997.


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