Administration officials fear being exposed by Mueller as a source of information: report


Members of the Trump administration cooperating with a special board Robert MuellerRobert Swan MuellerSasse: US should applaud Mueller's choice to lead the investigation on RussiaThe organization's investigation is concerned that a report released this week may expose them to sources of detrimental information about President TrumpDonald John Trump2020 Dem returns to Trump for "giving advice on firefighting" in Paris: "Do your own job", French officials reject Trump's proposal to use "water tanks" on the fire of Notre Dame. | Warren unveils 2020 plan to stop drilling on public lands | Judges dismiss case challenging state nuclear subsidies | Court orders EPA to reassess Obama Pollution Rule PLUS.

NBC News reported Tuesday that several current and former White House officials had contacted their lawyers to determine if their names, or any names, would be removed from the report, which will be released Thursday.

These efforts were unsuccessful, however, as the Justice Department refused to give the White House any details, NBC reported.

"They have been asked questions and told the truth, and now they are worried about the anger coming on," a former White House official told the chain.

"You have a whole group of former White House officials and current White House officials, but mostly former White House officials who have been asked to cooperate," they said. they added. "People have done this, and now the uncertainty lies in the amount of information in this report and how identifiable it is by individuals. And nobody knows. "

A large number of people would be concerned that Trump might retaliate against the cooperating staff members, fearing that the report might contain information that publicly harms the image. Of the president.

Some officials are also concerned that, even with the redactions, the report will contain enough identifying information about the sources allowing the president to determine which officials have provided information damaging to the probe, according to NBC.

"Even if the names are redacted or if the names do not appear in the report to begin with, there may be situations where people have been interviewed and they have answered in all honesty that at least for some people – especially the president – would be identifiable as the situation only applies to the current situation. a person, "said the former manager at the network." Nobody has any idea what it will look like on Thursday. "

The publication of Mueller's report on Thursday is eagerly awaited as it will allow Democrats to determine if there are inconsistencies between the Attorney General. William BarrWilliam Pelham BarrHillicon Valley: The Mueller report will be released Thursday | YouTube adds information on September 11 to Notre-Dame fire video | New details on the case against Assange | Thousands sign a petition to ban Trump on social media | Conservatives alongside state-of-the-art technology in the GOP fight "Late Night with Seth Meyers" will run long Thursday to deepen Mueller Schiff's report, Nunes urged MJ to make a briefing with Mueller MOREThe summary and the actual findings of Mueller, as some have claimed. In his summary, last month, Barr said Mueller had found no evidence of collusion between the president's campaign and Russia, while adding that the special council had not reached a conclusion as to whether Trump obstructed justice.

The White House, meanwhile, hopes that the full report will exonerate the president.

Trump called for new investigations of members of the Obama administration who would have overseen the investigation in its infancy.


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