Sony unveils first details on PlayStation 5


Sony's next PlayStation 5 looks like a console mother, a report from wired indicated this morning. Equipped with a reader in the solid state and-Yes!With backward compatibility with the PlayStation 4, the PlayStation 5 looks big and bad, although it will not happen this year (maybe in 2020). Kotaku Reported previously).

As might be expected, the PlayStation 5 will have more powerful specifications to meet the growing need for graphics and storage of next-generation games. The most interesting news of today's report is that the PlayStation 5 will be equipped with a Solid State Drive (SSD), a technology that can dramatically increase load times between game zones and time. rendering game environments. Sony has not revealed the specifications or the manufacturer of the SSD. The main system architect of PlayStation 5, Mark Cerny, however said that its gross bandwidth should exceed that of what is currently available for PCs. according to wired:

To prove it, Cerny launches a PS4 Pro on Spider-Man, a PS4 exclusive for 2018 on which he worked alongside Insomniac Games. . . On TV, Spidey stands on a small square. Cerny presses a controller button to launch a fast moving interstitial screen. Fifteen seconds passed when Spidey reappeared at a place totally different from Manhattan. Then Cerny does the same thing on a new generation devkit connected to a different TV. (The devkit, an early "low speed" version, is concealed in a large silver tower, with no visible component.) What took 15 seconds now takes less than one: 0.8 seconds, to be exact. . .

On the next generation console, the camera moves faster in the city center than it is mounted on a fighter. Cerny periodically interrupts the action to prove that the environment remains perfectly clear.

If you're wondering about the processor and graphics processor of the PlayStation 5, we also heard these details:

The new generation PlayStation console meets all these needs, starting with an AMD chip in the heart of the device. (Caution: an alphabet soup follows.) The processor is based on AMD's third-generation Ryzen line and contains eight cores of the company's new 7 nm Zen 2 microarchitecture. The GPU, a custom variant of the Radeon Navi family, will support ray tracing, a technique that models the movement of light to simulate complex interactions in 3D environments. While ray tracing is a staple of Hollywood visual effects and as it begins to make its way into the $ 10,000 high-end processors, no gaming console has been able to manage.

Audio enhancements will be an important goal, wired continued. While "ray tracing" is mainly used for graphics, Cerny notes that it can have audio benefits. "It's the same as making a ray in the environment," he said. This could help players to hear subtle, subtle sounds from their stealthy enemies, for example. "With the next console, the dream is to show how much the audio experience can be radically different when we apply significant material power to it," Cerny said.

Cerny did not elaborate on the Virtual Reality PlayStation 5's capabilities, but said "VR is very important to us," adding that the current PSVR headset will work with the next console.

Sony executives avoid l & # 39; call the "PlayStation 5, preferring the" new generation console ", even if all the previous models followed the same model of denomination. The PlayStation 4 was released in 2013, seven years after the launch of the PlayStation 3. If we had announced the release of the PlayStation 5 in 2020, it would also have been the main console of Sony for seven years.

While Google, Microsoft and, to a certain extent, Sony, have all promoted the streaming services of games recently, concrete details confirming the new console Sony reaffirm that the model of possession of a box to play games does not will not disappear any time soon.

You can read the full report here.


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