Andrea Norton, a student at Briar Cliff University, dies after falling off a cliff while she was taking a picture


Jasper, Ark. – A 20-year-old college student died after falling off a cliff in northwestern Arkansas, authorities said. Sheriff of Newton County, Glenn Wheeler, said that Andrea Norton had been fatally injured on Saturday, while she had accidentally fallen from a rock formation near Jasper, about 150 km to the north. West of Little Rock.

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University of Briar Cliff

Wheeler says that Norton was part of a group of students in Sioux City, Iowa, and that she would be repositioning herself for a photo when she fell about 30 meters from the Hawksbill Crag, a destination for popular hike in the Ozark-St. Francis National Forest.

Wheeler explains that the rock is widely regarded as one of the most photographed hiking areas in Arkansas and that many people have died as a result of a fall in recent years. Also known as Whitaker Point, the rocky peak derives its name from the fact that it looks like a hawk's beak.

The University of Briar Cliff said that Norton, originally from Hot Springs, South Dakota, was a student and member of the school volleyball team. "We are saddened by the unexpected death of our beloved teammate, Andrea Norton, No. 22 on the pitch, No. 1 in our hearts," said the team in a tweet.

In a tweet, the university has called Norton "a major environmental science specialist, exemplary student and dedicated athlete".

Sunday, a student of Fordham University died after falling from the iconic campus clock tower, apparently trying to take a picture.

Last month, a visitor to the Grand Canyon fell 1000 feet to his death trying to take pictures.


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