Georgian meteorologist receives death threats after interrupting Masters coverage


Lauryn Overhultz | Journalist

Georgia meteorologist Ella Dorsey receives death threats after interrupting Sunday's Masters coverage.

Dorsey, of CBS46, went on the air on Sunday in the last hour of the Masters tournament to issue a tornado warning for the Atlanta metropolitan area. The local CBS affiliate split the screens and cut into the comments of the Masters, but viewers still had access to the images, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper.

Dorsey took Twitter reprimand social media users for sending him death threats. She wrote: "To all those who send me death threats right now: you would not say anything if a tornado was ravaging your home this afternoon. Lives are more important than 5 minutes of golf. I will keep repeating it if and when we reduce programs to ensure people's safety. " (RELATED: Tiger Woods wins 15th major at Masters)

Viewers were not satisfied with the split screen and tweeted the means by which CBS could have alerted them of the weather. One user suggested that the station would have just sent a text alert, while another user claimed that a "scrolling" at the bottom of the screen would have been correct.

They are not mistaken about the fact that there are other ways to notify people. Especially because Tiger Woods was about to win his fifth green jacket and his first major victory in 11 years.

However, the death threats are a bit dramatic.

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