Omar praises Sanders' leadership after stating that she needed to "do a better job"


representative Ilhan OmarIlhan OmarHillicon Valley: The Mueller report will be released Thursday | YouTube adds information on September 11 to Notre-Dame fire video | New details on the case against Assange | Thousands sign a petition to ban Trump on social media | Conservatives support technology in the fight against the GOP. The Dems rallied behind Omar as Trump intensified his attacks. It's time to create a "Jewish Congress Caucus" PLUS (D-Minn.) Congratulated the senator Bernie SandersBernard (Bernie) The audience at the SandersSanders Town Hall is warm after the Fox News host asked them if they would support "Medicare for All". . Sanders defends himself against criticism of income and taxes. He is too old to be president: "Follow me during the election campaign" MORE (I-Vt.) Monday evening, the same day, he defended the attacks but recommended him to "do a better job" by addressing the Jewish community.

"We need to have an honest conversation about the future of US foreign policy, militarism and our role in the world. @BernieSanders is helping to lead this conversation, "tweeted Omar, referring to an article in the New Yorker on the foreign policy of the Vermont senator and presidential candidate.

Omar, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, has often found common ground with Sanders on foreign policy. They both sharply criticized the bombing of Yemen by Saudi Arabia, backed by the United States. In October, before his congressional election, Omar called the campaign genocide.

Sanders, for his part, sponsored a Senate resolution condemning the campaign and calling President TrumpDonald John Trump2020 Dem returns to Trump for "giving advice on firefighting" in Paris: "Do your own job", French officials reject Trump's proposal to use "water tanks" on the fire of Notre Dame. | Warren unveils 2020 plan to stop drilling on public lands | Judges dismiss case challenging state nuclear subsidies | Court orders EPA to reassess Obama Pollution Rule PLUS to withdraw troops in Yemen or affecting who do not actively fight Al Qaeda.

Omar tweeted his praises to Sanders the same night he was interviewed about him at a Fox News town hall. While Sanders said he did not know Omar well, "I argue that a Muslim member of Congress should not be attacked every day by outrageous racist remarks," referring to the attacks on Omar following the remarks that he made. she held about September 11, accused by conservatives of minimizing attacks. A New York man was arrested earlier this month for allegedly threatening to assassinate Omar.

Sanders, whose father's family was killed in the Holocaust, was also questioned about Omar's remarks about the Israeli lobby, according to his critics, who allegedly invoked anti-Semitic stereotypes.

"I think Ilhan may have to do a better job of talking to the Jewish community," Sanders told Bret Baier. "I will do everything in my power and hope that all members of Congress will fight not only against anti-Semitism, but also against racism and anti-Muslim activities, in order to create a non-Muslim society. discriminatory, but it is not anti-Semitic to be critical of a right-wing government in Israel.It is not anti-Semitic. "


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