Who farted on the first take?


Here it is, the only reason to discuss First take in a serious way. During a particularly noisy discussion about Kevin Durant in the Monday episode, it looked a lot like someone who coughed like a maneuver to conceal a fart. But who was the culprit?

As with any investigation, we need to go through the facts thoroughly: there were three people First toot office: Stephen A. Smith, Molly Qerim and Max Kellerman. As shown in a Reddit thread, the coughing fart occurs at 5:50 of this video. It is very clear that anyone who coughed did so to conceal the bomb that he was about to dump. Smith was talking, so it could not be him. Qerim's voice does not match that of the mysterious farter. The main suspect is Mr. Max Kellerman.

For your convenience, the relevant part of the video has been isolated and slowed down. Please increase the volume and listen carefully to copper flatulence. Note that Kellerman looked tight and uncomfortable a few seconds ago.

Here is another angle that confirms that it was Kellerman who coughed:

There is another unlikely possibility that nevertheless deserves to be addressed: maybe someone on the set was near a microphone and cut the cheese. This would not explain the noise before, however. The cough and the pet are related one to the other, and the first belongs to Kellerman. There is an infinitesimal chance that his heartfelt cough comes just before someone else in the studio has to tear one up, a coincidence too extraordinary and awful to consider, as this would unfairly tarnish Kellerman's reputation. and would call him someone who sometimes needs to fart awkward moments.

Kellerman continued The show Dan Le Batard today to defend himself, and denied the fart (which in some quarters would suggest that he actually provided it). Kellerman asserted that he could not hear it when the audio was played and, although it was not excluded that someone on the set was farted, he insisted that "it was not me." Although it's not in the clip below, he later said, "I'm going to say this: no, I did not fart on the set – I farted in the past, though. . That's true. But this is not one of the instances.

Despite Kellerman's protests, we must reach the most reasonable scenario. He was in a critical situation: would he leave the TV live or handle a gas buildup later in the day? His options were limited and so he did what any human would do: throw viewers away from sound (and perfume) with something stronger and more socially acceptable. he almost worked, but its timing was bad, and the connection could not be clearer. As Johnnie Cochran said, If you pretend to cough, you must shit.


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