Progressives fight back while CEO Insurance pays Medicare for all


The CEO of America's largest private insurance company has been the victim of a wave of repression by the progressives after launching a deceptive attack on Medicare for All.

During a conference call with investors, David Wichmann, CEO of UnitedHealth Group, said that Medicare for All would "destabilize the country's health system," a topic of widespread debate among right-wing, Republican and Democratic media outlets. .

"We will put an end to denials of care by insurance companies, eliminate premiums, deductibles and co-payments, no longer allowing our taxes to subsidize their profits."
-Michael Lighty

"And the inherent cost burden would surely have a severe impact on the economy and employment – all without substantially increasing access to care," Wichmann said.

Under the universal health insurance plans put in place in the House and Senate, every American would be guaranteed full health coverage. Two studies published over the past year, including one of a Koch-funded think tank, have shown that a single payer would save billions of dollars compared to the system current for-profit.

"As usual, the CEO of an insurance company has demoted – Medicare for All stabilizes health care for people, [Bernie] Sanders said last night Fox Newsand disrupts the failing business model of the insurance industry, "said Michael Lighty, founding member of the Sanders Institute, Common dreams.

"So, yes, we will put an end to the denial of care of insurance companies, eliminate premiums, deductibles and co-payments, no longer allowing our taxes to subsidize their profits," Lighty said. "We will" destabilize "UnitedHealth's ability to enrich at the expense of our health care."

Warren Gunnels, Director of Sanders Staff, added that he does not care about the feelings of health insurance officials.

"Whether the CEO of UnitedHealth likes it or not, we will no longer tolerate a system that will earn $ 83.2 million as Americans go bankrupt when they fall ill," tweeted Gunnels. "UnitedHealth's greed is killing Americans, together we will end it."

Wichmann's comments came while the shares of the UnitedHealth Group and other giants of insurance dropped to 52 weeks.

"Health insurance companies, including Anthem Inc., Humana Inc. and Cigna Corp., experienced a sharp decline on Tuesday morning, as did hospitals HCA Healthcare Inc. and Community Health Systems Inc." Bloomberg reported. "Health insurance stocks were shaken during the first few months of 2019, as Democratic presidential candidates appeared to support variations of Medicare for All." The sale allowed the S index & P 500 Managed Care to reach its lowest level in nearly a year.

politicoDan Diamond of Twitter pointed out that UnitedHealth Group had lost $ 30 per share since Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) Tabled his Medicare for All bill in the Senate last week.

As Common dreams reported last Friday, an alert launcher from UnitedHealthcare – a subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group – gave an overview of the company's behind-the-scenes efforts to undermine Medicare for All, as it continues to gain support from Congress.

"We are strong advocates and are very involved in the conversation," said Steven Nelson, CEO of UnitedHealthcare, in a statement revealed to the public. Washington Post. "Part of that is thinking about how we get into the conversation because we might look selfish."

The anonymous whistleblower told the To postJeff Stein leaked Nelson's comments because he "felt that Americans needed to know exactly who was fighting against the idea that health care was a right and not a privilege"


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