Why the MLB All-Star Game in Philadelphia was announced 7 years ago


MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred called baseball's "worst secret" Tuesday afternoon a sun-lit podium in front of Independence Hall and has officially announced that the all-star game will be held in Philadelphia. 2026.

This information had already been released last week, which is not uncommon for Major League Baseball. In 2018, for example, fans and media discovered a banner that designated Nationals Park as a host during an exhibition game early in the season.

What is very rare, however, is to let fans know where the ASG will be seven years in advance.

"We do not usually advertise things down," said Manfred. "This process has failed compared to Philadelphia."

Why the super kerfuffle? Here are five reasons.

The apparent reason for the super-notification is due to the importance of the year, which marks the half-fifteenth anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the birth of the United States.

Philly strives to become THE destination of what will likely be a huge nationwide commemoration (arouse jingoism), and many bring the ASG here in 2026, "had to see with our desire to be part of the 2026 celebration, "said Manfred.

There is symmetry on occasion. The 1976 All-Star Game was held in Philadelphia on the occasion of the Bicentennial celebrations and was considered a great success. Who better than Mike Schmidt, Phillies third player, could confirm these positive feelings?

"One of my favorite memories was going out [in the ’76 ASG] and be introduced to a standing ovation of about five minutes at the Veterans Stadium, "Schmidt said since the stage.

The silver-haired legend also pointed out that he was almost 70 years old – so maybe the MLB would not want to risk it, being agile enough to make jokes if they kept the news two more years.

According to Andrew Hohns, the investment baker who chairs the efforts of the non-profit organization, one of USA250's goals is to organize as many sporting events as possible in Philly in 2026. During the bicentennial He said the city hosted no less than 130 sporting events – including NBA and NHL All-Star games – and that it helped make Philadelphia the nickname "Sports City, USA".

Preliminary research did not reveal much evidence of Hohns' claim, although a Daily News The 1983 article included the following sentence: "In the way things are going, Philadelphia is starting to look like Sports City, USA."

In the meantime, the title was taken by another city. Frisco, Texas, started making its name known as Sports City in the US in 2017, and for now, if you're looking for that phrase on Google, that's what you'll get.

Philly needs these seven years notice, not only to convince the other sports leagues of the 2026 plan, but to wage a marketing battle against these Texans.

The only current player to speak at Independence Hall was New City Magician Bryce Harper. The $ 330 million player did not say much during his turn at the microphone – although he took a liking to the former players lined up behind him, calling them "all those old guys out there" "- but he looked good. .

If MLB had waited several more years, who knows if Harper's headdress would still be perfect, or if the city would always look at him with respect. To take advantage of the privileged stage of this love story was a wise gesture on the part of the League.

Perhaps the truest reason for the premature announcement was to do with something sad. David Montgomery, the current president and former president of the Phillies, is very sick.

He was operated on for a cancer in 2014 and, although he returned to work afterwards and that he showed little sign of slowing down for several years, it seems that he has been diagnosed with cancer. he does not succeed very well at the present time.

At the announcement on Tuesday, Commissioner Manfred and other speakers, including Governor Tom Wolf and Mayor Jim Kenny, alluded to this, pointing out that they wanted the best of luck. to Montgomery and his family, as well as his presence.

In 30 years of friendship, said Manfred, Montgomery never asked for a favor, but "about two years ago, he began to wonder if we could announce it here – and if we could do it very soon . "

So Dave, wherever you are, this one is for you.


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