Wanted woman, Denver area schools locked out as a result of a serious threat


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By Alex Johnson

The FBI and Colorado authorities were looking for a woman who would have been "infatuated" with the shooting of Columbine High School in 1999, after a threat led to lockouts on Tuesday in many Colorado schools, including in Columbine.

Mike Taplin, spokesman for the Jefferson County Sheriff, said Sol Pais, 18, made it to Colorado Monday night and threatened schools in the Denver area. He added that the threats were potentially credible and that Pais was "armed and considered extremely dangerous".

In a lookout, the Rocky Mountain Safe Streets Task Force said Pais was "thrilled" by the shooting that killed 12 students and a teacher in Columbine, near from Littleton, 20 years ago this week.

Pais, described as being white and measuring approximately 5 feet 5 inches with brown hair, was last seen wearing a black t-shirt, camouflage pants and black boots, said Taplin.

The Department of State Education has issued an advisory recommending that all schools in the Denver area be locked, which limits the entry and exit of restricted schools, while leaving the schools open. usual procedures in force.

The so-called threat did not specify individual schools, said Taplin, who said he did not know where Pais had come from.

At least 22 schools have been locked out in Jefferson County, including Columbine.

Jefferson County School and sheriff officials stated that all students were safe and normal extracurricular activities continued as planned, except in Columbine, where all these activities had been canceled.

No reason for the exception in Columbine was immediately available.

This is a story in development. Refresh this page for updates.


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