The border town of Arizona declares the state of emergency in the face of the influx of migrants


YUMA, Arizona – The border town of Yuma, in the south of the country, declared the state of emergency due to the continued influx of migrants who continue to arrive in the region of Lhasa. West of Arizona, claiming that she did not have the resources to deal with the influx of people.

"Mayor: Migrants are released into the community faster than they leave, and shelters and staff to manage them have maximum capacity. The state of emergency is declared, "said the city Tuesday evening.

In the first six months of fiscal 2019, border patrol agents apprehended nearly 25,000 family members.

During the same period a year earlier, officers in this region had made about 6,500 arrests, about a quarter of the amount recorded this year.

Yuma gives its name to one of the nine sectors, or regions, located on the southwestern border. The Yuma area experienced the third largest number of family apprehensions this year, after the Rio Grande Valley area in East Texas and the El Paso area in the US. West Texas. The Rio Grande Valley saw 78,000 fears of family members, three times more than Yuma's.

Families from Central America who enter illegally can legally claim to have a credible fear of returning home. Once a person has submitted his application to a border police officer and that it has been processed, it is entrusted to the enforcement of the legislation relating to immigration and Customs, which detains people who are illegally in the country.

Until 2015, families who entered illegally and applied for asylum were detained by the agency for the duration of the legal proceedings. However, a court order issued that year did not require anyone arriving with a child to be detained for a maximum of 20 days. As asylum applications now take between two and five years to be heard by a federal immigration judge, migrants can not be heard before their release.

The White House said the decision encouraged families to illegally enter and ask for asylum, knowing that they would be released.


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