Gou Foxconn could seek Taiwan presidency | Local news


TAIPEI, Taiwan – Foxconn Technology Group chief, who has announced his intention to move away from the day-to-day operations of the world's largest electronics supplier, said on Tuesday that he plans to run for Taiwan's presidency.

Terry Gou announced that he would take a decision "in a day or two" on a possible candidacy for the presidency, according to the official Taiwanese news agency. He said that if he decided to run for office, he would attend the opposition Nationalist Party's primary rather than mount an independent candidacy.

Nationalists are in favor of closer ties with Beijing, a policy in line with Gou's massive commercial interests in China. All candidates are expected to face an overcrowded world during the 2020 polls, in which President Tsai Ing-wen of the pro-independence Democratic Party said he will run for a second four-year term.

At an event in Taipei, Mr. Gou said Monday that he would pull out of daily operations at Foxconn. He said he wanted to work on a book on his management philosophy, perfected over 45 years, and prepare a new generation to take over the company's operations.

Foxconn has customers like Apple, Google and Amazon and announced the construction of a manufacturing facility in the US state of Wisconsin.

"The main direction of the company will always be guided by me. But I will gradually withdraw from front-line operations, "said Gou, 69.

"I feel that I should moderate my personal influence … allow young people to learn sooner to take up my duties as soon as possible so that I can have more free time to work on long-term planning of the company. "

Foxconn announced in 2017 with a lot of fanfare its intention to invest $ 10 billion in Wisconsin and hire 13,000 people to build an LCD panel factory that can make screens for TVs and TVs. various other devices.

The company said last year that it was reducing the scale of what was to be manufactured in Wisconsin, from what is known as the Gen 10 plant to Gen 6. These plans now seem to be changing, although the company claims home to both a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility and a "technological innovation center for the region".

Earlier this year, Foxconn said that the changing global market required giving up the manufacture of LCD screens in Wisconsin. Apple is Foxconn's main customer in the manufacturing sector and anticipates a drop in revenue from the Chinese market due to lower demand for iPhones.


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