Game Of Thrones: What did Arya ask Gendry to do to her?


Many important and expected meetings took place during the premiere of Game of Thrones season 8. Characters who have not seen each other for years – some seasons, some since the beginning of the show – found themselves. Sometimes these meetings were happy encounters, while others were significantly less (Jaime locking eyes with Bran was a bit scary). Arya and Gendry saw each other for the first time since season 2 and entered the first category.

The meeting between the two friends notes that both have changed considerably. Arya is now an accomplished fighter and assassin with the power of the Faceless Men, while Gendry is also pretty decent with his big hammer. When they meet again, however, what Arya is interested in the abilities of his blacksmith Gendry – what we saw is quite important.

When Arya finds Gendry in Winterfell, she slips him a piece of paper in which he asks her to do something for her. The diagram is difficult to analyze because it is not particularly detailed, but it can be said that Arya asks Gendry to make him a special dragonglass weapon, distinct from the many swords and arrowheads he made for the battle with the White Walkers. It sounds like something special and could indicate that Arya will be an important part of the battle for Winterfell who, we know, is getting ready this season.

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The diagram itself is unlike any specific weapon we have seen before, nor does it appear to be a reminder of another major weapon in the series history. But that sounds specific to Arya's skills, and his comment to Jon Snow about his Longclaw sword probably suggests why she would like it – a life-sized sword (or a battle ax, as requested by Hound) is too much heavy for Arya. Her skill comes from her speed with weapons like her Needle sword and to fight White Walkers she will need something similar.

The weapon itself seems to look like a lance that breaks in the middle, with at least one dragonglass blade at the end. It's hard to see the other end of the weapon, whether it's another spearhead, a handle, or something else. But if we get into the story of Arya, we can make educated guesses about how she will use it.

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Arya's first combat training, other than what she could have learned from Jon Snow and Robb Stark at Winterfell, was from Syrio Forel to King's Landing. Braavos' first sword focused on the quick fight at the sword at one hand – Water Dancing, as he called it. Recently, Arya used this style when she played with Brienne of Tarth at Winterfell in Season 7, and she was able to stand up to one of the best sword fighters in Westeros during this fight .

Arya's other fighting talent is what she learned at Braavos at Black and White House. There, she trained with the Waif who, several times, struck Arya with a wooden stick. Even blind, Arya ended up learning enough to face the Waif.

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So, a dragong-tipped stick that can also function as a pair of one-handed swords resonates in Arya's alley, allowing it to change style depending on the situation.

It is possible that Arya's weapon is something else: the teasing of episode 2 showed Arya shooting a bow, something we also know very skillful even when she was a child. It is possible that she asked for special arrows (or even a spear) that could detach her head, but the idea of ​​disassembling a spear and attaching it to a new spearhead seems useless. Whenever we see White Walkers or wights killed using dragonglass or Valyrian steel, their death is instantaneous. The White Walker Jon killed with Longclaw literally shattered. So, it does not appear that a spearhead will get stuck in an enemy, forcing Arya to detach and replace him.

Thomas Dunne, the master of the series, told Vanity Fair that Arya's new weapon was "a star". It seems that we are waiting to see Arya bring this weapon against the army of the dead before knowing exactly what it is.


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