Trump Fed's Stephen Moore's Selection Writes Clinton Scenes and AIDS Jokes


A year later, Moore wrote in a column: "No, Allison STILL is not working, but thanks a lot for asking."

In a statement to CNBC in early April, Stephen Moore said: "Allison Moore and I have been married for 19 years and have three wonderful sons who we co-sponsored, our divorce was resolved amicably there are many years and we remain friendly, terms to date, she is a wonderful mother and I hold her in the highest esteem. "

"Allison, our children and my current wife are hoping the media will respect our privacy and I'm happy to talk to the media about any issues related to the economy or from my perspective on the Fed," said Stephen Moore. at the time.

Allison Moore, in a statement to CNBC in early April by Stephen Moore's spokesperson, said: "Steve Moore and I were reconciled through our divorce many years ago and we hope that media will respect our privacy and we remain cordial. "

David Roop, the lawyer who represented Allison Moore in his divorce, declined to comment Tuesday on Stephen Moore's columns.

In his 2003 article, Stephen Moore wrote that "one of the highlights" of this year was to coach his 2-year-old son potty following his "brilliant idea of ​​pasting a picture of Hillary Clinton with a target clearly visible on the bottom of the pot. "

"And since then, it's like in Niagara Falls – and with perfect precision – whenever nature calls."

In her divorce petition, Allison stated that Moore had created two accounts in 2010 with the goal of connecting "romantically with other women". The record says that Moore started what was "by her own admission … an adulterous love relationship" with a woman, and that he already told the children of the Moores in front of Allison: "I have two women and what is really bad is when they are fighting for you. "

Nine years ago, in a year-end review of the National Review titled "Some Christmas Jeer", Moore wrote, "Will anyone help us find a job for Allison? It's not so much that we need her income, but she stays at home with her arms crossed day by day and becomes a compulsive client. "

But Moore also noted in the same section "that Steve has also helped revive the economy.He bought a few months ago a Camaro cabriolet red cherry", what he said his "university trainee 22 years "" cry crisis of quarantine! "

"On more than one occasion, Steve crisscrossed the city with his high and a gorgeous blond of about 20 years old is parked next to him: he looks at her with envy, she throws him a look "come here" and then the mood is spoiled when she sees [one son] drooling in the baby seat and then [the older sons] start making weird grimaces, "Moore wrote.

"She puts her finger in her mouth and zooms out." Steve must shout after the kids, "How many times do I have to tell bullies to stay out of sight when I eat girls?" "

"So what [one son], with a puzzled look on his face, said, "But dad, we already have a mom," Moore wrote. And then, Steve said, "Yes, but imagine, for a moment, how good it would be if you had a much younger mom."


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