Pete Buttigieg is expecting 50 people at a Des Moines City Hall. More than 1600 people showed up.


Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg's campaign forced a public meeting Tuesday night in Des Moines, Iowa, to host a much larger crowd than expected.

The campaign awaits about 50 people for his town hall at the Benjamin Franklin High School High School in Des Moines. The school estimates that 1,650 people showed up.

Buttigeig spoke briefly and for the second time Tuesday answered questions from the crowd. During his brief address, he said that the electoral college should be abolished, saying that whoever gets the most votes should be elected. If that had been the case in 2016, Democrat Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump in the popular vote.

Mayor of South Bend, presidential candidate 2020, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, speaks at a public meeting on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 in Fort Dodge, Iowa.(AP Photo / Charlie Neibergall) Mayor of South Bend, presidential candidate 2020, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, speaks at a public meeting on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 in Fort Dodge, Iowa.

Buttigieg, who is homosexual, devoted part of the question-and-answer session to this question, which was the subject of extensive discussion after an interview with Ellen and commercial exchanges with Former Governor of Indiana, Mike Pence.

In Des Moines, someone in the crowd asked, "What am I saying to my friends who say that America is not ready for a gay president?"

"Good question." First, tell your friends, I say: "Hi. Talk to them about Indiana in 2015," he said.

In 2015, the mayor described the life of a man nailed in Indiana, who "was not an ideal place to be gay."

Buttigieg said he was released mainly because he understood that he wanted to start going out with men and [as a soldier in Afghanistan] my life could end and, as an adult man, I would not know how to love. "

The candidate also reconnected with acting vice president Pence, who was booed when he was mentioned. "You know my differences with the vice president," he said.

Buttigieg said that he had gone out during an election year and that he "was reelected with 80% of the votes".

Members of the public listen to Pete Buttigieg, Democratic presidential candidate 2020 and mayor of South Bend, speaking at a public meeting on Tuesday, April 16, 2019, in Fort Dodge, Iowa. .(AP Photo / Charlie Neibergall) Members of the public listen to Pete Buttigieg, Democratic presidential candidate 2020 and mayor of South Bend, speaking at a public meeting on Tuesday, April 16, 2019, in Fort Dodge, Iowa. .

For the second time in a day, Buttigieg was interrupted by a protester in Des Moines and earlier in the day at Fort Dodge.

Buttigieg stayed at the microphone and at one point said, "We have it." The protester was escorted, but returned a few minutes later, shouting again. Both times he was drowned under the applause of "Pete Pete Pete!" by the crowd. Earlier, in Fort Dodge, he was interrupted by a protester who had shouted to the mayor that he had betrayed his Baptist faith and asked him, "We will not stop, this man misleads our children."

After the man from Fort Dodge was escorted outside, a member of the crowd shouted, "Now we know what you are going to suffer from Mayor Pete!"

Lis Smith, a communications advisor to the mayor who was asked by members of the press if they were safe at the events, said she had to hire security guards.

Buttigieg was also asked about a few other topics.

Strategy to beat Trump

"It looks like a Chinese finger trap: the harder you pull, the more you get stuck in. It's important to think about the strategy," he said.

Buttigieg said the Democrats were in danger because: "All the well-spoken democrats … pictures are on the scene of debate with this guy. We all have our things to say. "

Buttigieg said everyone thought they had the idea of ​​"knocking on the door". [Trump] it's like trying to impress him. We play his game. It's the finger trap. You can not ignore it completely. "

A protester shouts as the mayor of South Bend, Democratic presidential candidate of 2020, speaks during a public session on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 in Fort Dodge, Iowa. (AP Photo / Charlie Neibergall)(The Associated Press) A protester shouts as the mayor of South Bend, Democratic presidential candidate of 2020, speaks during a public session on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 in Fort Dodge, Iowa. (AP Photo / Charlie Neibergall)

Gun Violence

Buttigieg told the crowd that the National Rifle Association was arousing fear among politicians because they were mobilizing people and that the anti-gun movement must also do it.

However, the question was about research on gun violence, so he said, "We should end the ban on CDC research to consider this a public health problem."

Funny moment about his book

A man named Scott submitted a question asking if Buttigieg had changed his mind about what he had written in his book.

"I guess I changed my mind about my candidacy for the presidency," he said. "I had thought about it.

"Where is Scott Hey Scott Thank you for reading the book, that's how we pay for the wedding!" he said to laugh.

Mayor of South Bend, presidential candidate 2020, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, speaks at a public meeting on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 in Fort Dodge, Iowa.(AP Photo / Charlie Neibergall) Mayor of South Bend, presidential candidate 2020, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, speaks at a public meeting on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 in Fort Dodge, Iowa.

Finishing his answer to the last question, Buttigieg told the crowd, "It looks like my time is up." The crowd moaned and someone shouted "Four more years!" "And asked for the support of the crowd.

Buttigieg and her husband spent about 45 minutes shaking hands and talking to members of the crowd after question period.

ABC Osborne's Mark Osborne contributed to this report.


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