Microsoft will not provide facial recognition software in California


Citing human rights concerns, Microsoft announced that it would not provide face recognition software to the state of California.

The announcement was made by Microsoft President Brad Smith, who spoke about a Stanford University conference on human-centered artificial intelligence. Reuters reported for the first time that Microsoft had concluded that the use of the software would disproportionately detain the detainees for interrogation because AI was trained on mostly white and male images.

"At any time [a police officer] "They arrested anyone, they wanted to do a facial scan" against a database of suspects, Smith said at the event. After thinking about the uneven impact, "we said that this technology was not your answer."

Smith also said that Microsoft had rejected an agreement in which it would provide facial recognition software for cameras installed in an unknown city (presumably in China, since Freedom House had ruled the country "not free"). Smith said that the use of this software would have "suppressed the freedom of meeting" in this city.

Of course, Microsoft is interested in selling its technology. Smith cited an example of how to use his face recognition software in an acceptable way: he is deployed in an unnamed American jail because "the environment would be limited and … it would improve security inside. of the prison ".

Over the past year, Microsoft has been pushing for ethics in the field of artificial intelligence and more recently revealed that because of its facial recognition capabilities, potential customers needed to be transparent about how they would use this technology. Microsoft would like this technology to be regulated.

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