Netflix welcomes Apple and Disney in streaming video Wars


Do not study the war anymore. After more than two years of fighting, Apple and Qualcomm opted for peace. Under a six-year contract, Apple will take over the purchase of iPhone mobile modem chips from Qualcomm and will pay an undisclosed amount to cover previously unpaid fees. Apple's current modem provider, Intel, who was struggling to develop a 5G product, says that he will completely give up his business. Expect a 5G iPhone 5G backed by a Qualcomm modem. While Apple's stock price was unaffected by the news, Qualcomm has since increased by more than 30%. Intel investors, seemingly tired of banging their heads against the wall of 5G, pushed their shares up 4% in trading pre-commercial products.

We will continue to fight until the end. The merger project of T Mobile and Sprint can be in trouble or not. Department of Justice staff are not satisfied with the structure of the transaction, the the Wall Street newspaper reported Tuesday. But John Legere, CEO of T-Mobile tweeted that the premise of the story was "just plain wrong" and that former Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure said the story was "inaccurate" because the negotiations with the regulators Carry on. The truth is perhaps that the staff is looking for concessions that carriers are willing to make, such as the split of some prepaid cell phone business.

Shrinkage at sight. Elsewhere on Wall Street, IBM said its revenues fell for the third consecutive quarter. At $ 18.2 billion, sales decreased 5% and were slightly lower than analysts' forecasts. IBM shares fell 3% in pre-market trading on Wednesday. The public technology sector will continue to grow this week, and the first public offerings are expected to start trading on Friday from Pinterest and Zoom.

Missing in action. the A.I. industry has a problem of diversity, according to a new report from the non-profit AI Now Institute. Only 20% of A.I. Teachers are women, while women make up 15% of the IIA of Facebook. research staff and 10% at Google.

Answer the call. In yesterday's essay, Adam pointed out that the founders of large technology companies rarely go there quietly, evoking Foxconn founder Terry Gou. This quickly became true, while Gou announced that he would run for president of Taiwan. If he wins the primary to represent the opposition party of Kuomintang, he will oppose Tsai Ing-wen, the first woman president of Taiwan.

Unbelievable. As the world recovers from the tragic fire of our Lady In Paris and the French are committed to rebuilding the historic cathedral, it can be a video game company that helps to come to the rescue. Extremely detailed 3D scans of the building made for the game Assassin's Creed: Unity could be useful to guide the reconstruction.


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