The luxury SUV market is hot, says Lincoln president


The Lincoln Motor Company, Ford's luxury brand, is not worried about another US recession. Lincoln President Joy Falotico says the hot SUV market will boost sales.

"SUVs are popular in the market right now," she told Maria Bartiromo of FOX Business on Wednesday. "Consumers are really responding to the DNA of our new brand, which is consistent across our entire range."


Despite a lackluster start to 2011 for almost every automaker, Lincoln sales rose 11.2% in the first quarter. And despite soaring gas prices, Falotico still believes that Americans will turn to luxury SUVs.

"During the last recession, we saw some sensitivity to fuel prices," she said. "But in the luxury segments, they are less price sensitive than you can imagine. So we think we are well positioned with our SUVs. "

This year, Lincoln will launch a new fleet of luxury SUVs, including the Aviator Navigator 2020, and will complete its portfolio with a brand new luxury SUV called Corsair, which will be unveiled at the Car Show. New York 2019.


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