Jet Airways must operate its last flight today


Jet Airways tail fins

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The disruptive Indian airline, Jet Airways, has suspended all domestic and international flights after failing to find new funds.

The airline announced that its last flight would operate Wednesday because it was unable to pay for fuel and other essential services.

He said he had no choice but to suspend the flights, but said the move was temporary.

The airline has $ 1.2 billion and has been in talks with lenders for weeks.

With 123 aircraft, Jet Airways is the largest private airline in India, but according to reports, only five aircraft were used.

  • Jet Airways flies to all international flights
  • Jet Airways fails to secure emergency financing

In a statement, the airline said that she had been forced to ground all her flights because "prolonged and sustained efforts with lenders and authorities have not yielded the desired results" .

The Indian government had asked state-owned banks to put in place a rescue plan for the airline, which employs 23,000 people and was founded by Naresh Goyal more than 25 years ago.

Pilots, engineers and ground staff have not been paid for months and passengers have been stranded around the world as a result of cancellations.

"Later yesterday evening, Jet Airways was informed by the State Bank of India (SBI), on behalf of the consortium of Indian lenders, that she was not able to review her request for critical interim funding, "said the airline.

"In the absence of emergency funding from lenders or any other source, the airline will not be able to pay for fuel or other essential services to ensure continuity of As a result, Jet Airways is obliged to immediately cancel all its international flights and domestic flights, the last flight will be made today, "the text added.

The airline had previously stated that it was working to "minimize the inconvenience to customers" by using its contact centers and its social media teams, the spokesman said.

"In parallel, the management of the airline and its main stakeholders, including its consortium of lenders, continue to work closely to resolve the current situation," said the spokesman.

"The airline regrets the inconvenience to its guests," added the spokesman.


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