Time 100 recognizes Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser Christine Blasey Ford


TIme chose both Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and his sexual assault accuser Christine Blasey Ford for his list of the 100 most influential personalities of 2019.

Senator Kamala Harris D-Calif., Wrote a brief profile on Ford, praising her for her courage and the attention she has given to how America reacts to victims of violence. sexual assault.

"His courage against those who wanted to silence him galvanized the Americans. And his unfathomable sacrifice, through a sense of civic duty, has shed light on how we treat victims of sexual violence, "wrote Harris, presidential candidate of 2020.

Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell praised Kavanaugh for his "resilience".

"But when partisanship and special interests tried to dissuade the Senate from looking at these qualities, we also found other facets of Kavanaugh's character," said McConnell, R-Ky.

"The country has seen its resilience and commitment to public service. We have seen his loyal dedication to his family and friends. We have seen his unwavering respect for the law, the precedents and the highest traditions of our country, "he added.

The appointments took place after the fierce battle of last fall over the vacancy of the Supreme Court left by the retirement of Judge Anthony Kennedy.

Ford was brought before the Senate Judiciary Committee to testify about his allegations that Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her at a high school party in the 1980s.

Kavanuagh's possible accession to the highest court of law came after a close vote of confirmation from the Senate, which was mainly between the parties.

[[[[Opinion: Data: of course, Kavanaugh audiences hurt #MeToo]


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