Angelina Jolie Pitt and Brad Pitt have reached an agreement to settle their divorce in front of a private forum and will work together to reconcile their family.

LOS ANGELES (AP) – Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are officially single, but there is still a long way to go before the terms of their divorce are finalized.

Los Angeles Superior Court records indicate that Judge John W. Ouderkirk rendered a judgment on Friday, stating that the couple was no longer married. His name has also been restored so that Jolie, not Jolie Pitt.

The couple's lawyers had asked for a two-part judgment, which means that two married people can be declared single before all divorce issues are resolved.

It is unclear what issues remain unresolved in the divorce, but Angelina Jolie has filed documents claiming that Pitt was not paying sufficient support, which her lawyers have contested.

Jolie, 43, and Pitt, 55, have six children. They got married in 2014 and Jolie filed for divorce in 2016.

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