Video: Here's How Mortal Kombat 11 On Switch Compares to PS4 Version


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With Mortal Kombat 11 Now finally in the wild, it's time to see how well the Switch version really works. Fortunately, this video below does just that.

You may remember that until recently, we had not received any game sequences from the Switch version, which left many of us concerned about how they would play a game. once out. The first impressions of those who had played it before the launch were promising, however, and it seems like we had nothing to fear.

In this comparison video, shared by the people at NintendoWorldReport, you can see the Switch version of the game next to its PS4 counterpart. There are noticeable visual differences, especially with regard to lighting, shadows and details in the background, but the Switch version looks great and the gameplay is really very fluid.

Have you already bought Mortal Kombat 11? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.


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