Uber and Lyft stop accepting new drivers in New York


In a notice posted on its website, Uber attributed its hiring freeze to a new regulation of the Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC), the governing body that regulates the carpool and taxi industry. At New York. Following the new TLC regulation adopted in December 2018, carpooling companies in New York are now penalized for driving more cars on the street than existing demand. The rules now require Uber and Lyft drivers to earn at least $ 17.22 an hour after spending. If there are too many drivers on the road and not enough passengers, drivers can easily earn much less than that.

The wage rules come several months after the city of New York passed a law limiting the number of new vehicles authorized by mobile phone companies. In January, Uber and Lyft sued the city to comply with the new regulations. The hiring freeze will not be permanent in New York; Lyft and Uber plan to rehire after the stocks of their drivers have dropped too much. Given that 11% of new Uber drivers have resigned in one month and nearly half in a year, hires could resume earlier.


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