Prosecutor to appear Roger Stone Associate Credico


Roger Stone

Roger Stone told lawmakers that Randy Credico had served as a liaison between him and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, but there was no evidence to confirm his claims. | Patrick Semansky / AP Photo


Randy Credico, a radio host, is expected to shed light on Stone's efforts to connect to WikiLeaks in the 2016 election.



Prosecutors have already summoned witnesses to testify against Roger Stone, Trump's associate, whose trial for alleged lie before Congress and for obstructing Russian MPs' inquiries into Russia will not begin until six months later and half.

Randy Credico, a colorful New York radio personality and acquaintance of Stone, was recently summoned by the US Attorney's Office in Washington, DC, USA, in the Stone case. The summons issued by POLITICO orders Credico to appear in court on November 5, the day of the opening of the trial.

History continues below

Credico's lawyer, Martin Stolar, told POLITICO that "there is no reason to hope we will not comply" with the subpoena, which is signed by the lead prosecutor in the Stone case. , Michael Marando.

The summons is the first sign that the government considers that Credico, whom Mueller's team has interviewed on several occasions in 2018 and who testified before the grand jury, is a credible and potentially prejudicial witness against Stone. This also gives insight into the prosecution's strategy – Credico should shed light not only on Stone's efforts to connect to WikiLeaks during the 2016 election while he was looking for e-mails Hillary Clinton, but also on Credico's alleged attempts to intimidate Credico to resume his version of events.

Concerned about any information likely to undermine the credibility of the witnesses, Stone's lawyers asked Judge Amy Berman Jackson of the US District Court, who oversees Stone's case, to order the government to hand him over a case. unpublished version of the full report of the special advocate Robert Mueller on his investigation of nearly two years on the Russian electoral interference. The sections of the report dealing with ongoing investigations, including Stone's, are blackened on the 448-page document.

Jackson did not make a decision at Stone's request, but told his lawyers that their arguments "wanted to clarify" why the defense needed information that she had probably already obtained via the discovery process – including the FBI 302, or summaries of interviews, and grand jury material. Stone's lawyers also received about nine terabytes of data that the government had obtained and provided to the defense during their interrogation. The government has until Friday to respond to Stone's request regarding the unredacted report.

"We can stack it twice as high as the Washington monument," Robert Buschel, a lawyer for the defendant, m said in court last month.

Stone's lawyers hope to bring Assange, POLITICO reported previously. Assange was arrested in London earlier this month and his lawyers are fighting his extradition to the United States.

Mueller indicted Stone in January and his case was later forwarded to Supreme Court attorneys when the special council closed its workshop in March. The investigators had examined Stone to determine if the GOP's long-standing operation had been coordinated with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange during the elections. Throughout 2016, Stone made several strange predictions about WikiLeaks, which make some believe that he might have a thorough knowledge of the militant group's plan.

In September 2017, Stone told lawmakers that he had no direct line with Assange and that Credico, a Liberal activist and usual political candidate in the waterfalls field, was his back-channel.

Credico has long denied this story, however. And when he told Stone in early 2018 that he did not want to follow Stone's story, he allegedly threatened to take Credico's therapeutic dog away, who had already accompanied Credico in previous court appearances. Stone also asked Credico to "prepare to die," prosecutors say.

Due to his interactions with Stone in 2016, Credico appeared before Mueller's grand jury and held several interviews with the Special Council team. During the election, Credico claimed that Assange had "kryptonite on Hillary" and had also predicted damaging emails about Clinton in October 2016.

But nothing indicates that it really served as a return channel between Stone and WikiLeaks. In their indictment, the prosecutors instead preferred the right-winger, Jerome Corsi, who told Stone in July 2016 – before Stone's rapprochement with Credico – that "the word is friendly in the plans of the 'embassy". A little after my return. 2nd in October, the Impact was to be very damaging. "

Regarding Credico's appearance in court in November, his lawyer said that he "will tell the truth" and that his testimony "will be what it has always been, namely that he "It was not Stone's counter channel to Assange".


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