"I live without rent in Donald Trump's brain".


HIllary Clinton erased the information that President Trump wanted to open an investigation into her while special advocate Robert Mueller was investigating him.

In an interview with MSNBC on Wednesday, the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate said the president and other people were talking about investigating her to distract from Mueller's report.

"I live without any rent in Donald Trump's brain and it's not a very good place, I can tell you," she said, answering a question about how the company was going. Mueller's team wrote that Trump had met then Attorney General Jeff Sessions in October 2017 and asked him to investigate Clinton.

Since the publication of the redacted version of Mueller's 448-page report, reputable Republicans, such as Senate Judiciary Speaker Lindsey Graham, have called for investigations into Clinton, among others.

An FBI investigation into Clinton's use of an unauthorized mail server while the Secretary of State ended in 2016. More than 30,000 emails were removed from the server, of which 5,000 were eventually recovered. Clinton had stated that she "had never received nor sent material marked as classified", but the FBI found more than 100 emails containing classified information. Despite this, Clinton said on Wednesday that she had done nothing wrong and said Republicans were being too zealous in their pursuits to defend Trump and attack him.

"I do not know what they're talking about. I have been the subject of repeated investigations from the other side. And to their dismay, but in my opinion, my satisfaction is for nothing, "said Clinton Wednesday. "I guess that's one of their tools for launching their hardcore base. If in doubt, go after me. "

Since the publication of the Mueller report, Trump is a virulent critic of how the investigation into him began. He said last week that Clinton "destroyed the lives of people" working on his campaign.

"It was a blow. It was an attempt to overthrow the US government, "said Trump. "It was a reversal. It's a shameful thing. I think it's much bigger than Watergate. I think this is perhaps the biggest scandal in the political history of this country. Maybe beyond politics. "


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