YouTube says the next original series and specials will be free with commercials


Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube.

Michael Newberg | CNBC

YouTube announced Thursday that its next original series and promotions would be available for free with commercials.

The tech company made the announcement Thursday night at its Brandcast event as part of the IAB's New Fronts Digital Content. The change gives YouTube more opportunities to partner with advertisers.

Alphabet, the parent company of YouTube, announced Monday a sharp decrease in advertising revenue growth. The Chief Financial Officer of Alphabet said that changes to YouTube's algorithms had reduced the engagement and growth of ad revenue on the site. She was probably referring to YouTube's changes to curb the spread of false news and conspiracy theories, indicating that the platform may want to forgo some short-term advertising revenue for the benefit of the health of society.

"While all other media companies are building a wall of payment, we are moving in the opposite direction and we now have more opportunities than ever to partner with advertisers and share our critically acclaimed originals. with our global audience, "said Robert Kyncl, commercial director of YouTube, in a statement.

Previously, original programming was primarily available to YouTube Premium subscribers, the company's paid streaming service, which costs $ 11.99 per month. The company had announced that it would change its original programming for it to be free and paid for by advertising last year.

The company said that seasons one and two of "Cobra Kai" would be available for free with commercials this fall, and announced that it would announce free world premiere dates for other shows such as "Impulse "and" Liza On Demand ".

The company also announced that YouTube's 70 TV and cable channels would be available as their own lineup on Google Preferred (a YouTube program that allows brands to advertise the best videos) this season, allowing advertisers to focus live and on demand. "inventory" and make sure that brands "can go beyond demographics to reach an audience based on their interests," said the company in a statement.

The company's discussions on brand security were brief during the presentation. Still, Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube, said that it was a priority.

"Let me be very clear, taking responsibility is my number one priority," she said. "And we are making significant progress, and my management team and myself, as well as thousands of people at YouTube, are focused on this topic."


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