That's what you want to see from a leader


It sounds like a whirlwind with the project, and then, a few days later, you train in Britain for your whole life. I can not imagine a lot of time to spot a house or an apartment. Where do UFA players and test players live when they arrive in Britain? Does the team have arrangements in advance?

Non-recruited beginners – and proxy-tested players – stay at a local hotel until they are aligned.

Deaths, taxes and fans of Packer wishing to move player X to position Y. Do you know if this also applies to fans of other teams or it's only about this oddity of Packer fans?

Have you ever heard of a guy named Tim Tebow?

Why is the number of people on the list important when a salary cap is in place? If you can get 90 guys under the cap, so be it. If you think you can win with 22 very good, then go for it. I do not understand why both are in place. Imagine if there was a fight, 90 against 22 …

You do not have to be 90 under the ceiling during the off season, though. Only 51.

For the fifth year option, such as the one recently signed by Kenny Clark, I wonder how the salary is calculated. Is it based on a percentage of the wages of the position in the league? Or does it have something to do with your draft position and the turn in which you were caught? Thank you.

You succeeded. For players outside the top 10, it is based on the average salary from the third to the 25th highest salary at the player's position.

Brandon from Lakeland, FL

Darnell Savage Jr. could have worn his No. 21 jersey. Think about it – 21 Savage!

It is certain that it was something.

What choice do you think will have the greatest impact this season?

26 Savage is going to have a chance.

How did our four newly acquired free agents behave against the Packers in their first seasons? Can a defensive player choose Aaron Rodgers?

Za'Darius Smith has only played the Packers once, but Pro Football Reference has given him three hits. Preston Smith had the security bag against Green Bay during the 2016 NFC Wild Card match in Washington. Amos has 54 tackles in eight games against the Packers.

Biff, you choose your statistics carefully and you should "reconsider your position". Three of the seven recipients were in IR last season. Our combined recruits matched Michael Crabtree's stats. Also, I'll ask you to reconsider Kelvin Benjamin, Mike Wallace and last summer's Inbox favorite, Dez Bryant. These are low-risk, potentially high-paying associations to consider signing. What is there to lose at this point? BTW, they are all available on May 4th and May 4th with you.

Never charge me to be a coach, James. I have not chosen cherry for 20 years. I had to go there last summer, but then he took storm. If you accuse me of anything, then accuse me of being an apple picker. Get your facts directly. As for your question, it's a young man's game. When you ask what is there to lose? Summertime starts. I want these three young receivers to receive all the representatives they need.

When GB spent money for a period of free time, he saved money to sign his preliminary choices and perhaps had to get an AF. Now that the project is over, how much money have they saved by swapping two of their choices? I do not know how to do the math, keeping in mind that we traded in the first round and that we had two first round picks. I think this post counts in the salary they would need to be paid.

Not much. I do not know the exact calculation either, but the cost of the 21st choice over the number 30 probably cancels the cost of the two lost choices of the fourth round.

Hello initiates, thank you for answering our questions. I do not know if this has already been asked, but during the orientation of the recruits, who will be the quarter? Is Boyle allowed to participate?

The full list of rookie recruits will be released shortly before training, but most players who have not accumulated a season of NFL experience are eligible to participate. Boyle was part of the men's roster for the entire season, so he is not eligible. However, I believe that Cole Madison, Kendall Donnerson and a handful of players who will be back in training will be present this weekend.


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