David Eason, husband of Jenelle Evans, threatens to be photographed during the death of a dog


The husband of David Eason, Jenelle Evans

Threatens the death of a dog by a photographer

03/05/2019 8:20 PDT


David Eason, Jenelle Evans The husband, who allegedly killed the family dog ​​with a shotgun, told a photographer on Friday in court … stay away from him, if not.

Eason was in a North Carolina courtroom because he owed $ 5,187 in child support. He had a deadline of Friday to pay or possibly be despised and go to jail. He went empty handed, but the judge granted him a stay … to recover the money in the next few hours.

Eason left the court and a WSFX photographer / reporter tried to ask him to kill his dog, but he did not have it and warned him, "Do not put me in front, man. I promise you do not want to do that. "

Eason came back soon after and paid the money.

he owed the money at Olivia Leedham, the mother of his 5 year old son. Leedham claimed that "in 2013, while she was 8 months pregnant, he pushed her and also left her in the middle of the road while she was pregnant 7 months.

As for the dog … we were told that he was angry after the French bulldog pinched his daughter after knocking on the dog 's face … beat the lord. animal, then shot to death.

The forces of order are telling us … Eason is now under criminal investigation for cruelty to animals.


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