The additional American Airlines doors mean 23 new destinations, including Germany, Ireland and the Dominican Republic | American Airlines


"By adding services to new destinations and increasing service to some of our customers' favorite sites, we are building a connection network that can route them anywhere," said Vasu Raja, vice president of networks and planning of the airline.

During the $ 1.9 billion Airport Renewal and Improvement Project, the satellite terminal served as a place of accommodation for airlines displaced by renovation work.

The growth of airports of this type is a modern rarity. The added doors are almost equivalent to Dallas Love Field, where Southwest Airlines controls most of the 20 gates.

DFW Airport is America's most profitable hub, generating an annual profit of approximately $ 1.3 billion. The world's largest carrier accounts for nearly 85% of DFW's traffic.

American oversaw the satellite terminal improvements. Earlier, he had stated that he was expecting to be reimbursed by the airport up to $ 20 million and that he would invest an additional $ 25 million in improvements. The newly renovated terminal will also house the first Whataburger at DFW Airport in 44 years.


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