The rise of the international Skywalker title could be the key to the film's biggest secret


Last month we finally got the first trailer and the title of what we now know to be Star Wars: The rise of Skywalker. We, the collective surfers, have put this sequence apart and we have speculated a lot about the real meaning of the title of the film. This is to be expected. However, thanks to a new Polish version of the recently revealed title, we may have new clues about some possible details of the plot.

Attention: possible spoilers forward for Star Wars: The rise of Skywalker. Certainly, much of this is going to be speculative. That said, the title is very real and if it is found that it contains information treats when we remember this month of December, I would not be held responsible for having spoiled something by accident for someone 39; a. That said, a Twitter user, who happens to be Polish, recently posted this message, which is quite intriguing.

"So they finally revealed the title of episode IX in my language (Polish)." In direct translation, this means "Star Wars: Skywalker Resurrection." I wonder if this has a hidden meaning behind. "

There are many ways to read this. If we want to be very generous with the interpretation, it could mean that someone, a Skywalker in particular, will be resurrected in the IX episode. Does that mean that Luke will somehow come back as a Force Ghost? Does this refer to Leia? What about Anakin, the idol of Kylo Ren, Darth Vader? If Palpatine can come back (which is certainly what we know from this laugh in the trailer), then why not play the role of Vader?

Again, this would be the most direct interpretation. But Lucasfilm is rarely, if ever, as direct about the saga's entries in the franchise. What this could mean, legitimately, is that the name of Skywalker is somehow resurrected. Maybe we discover that there is a Skywalker that we did not know before? Maybe someone takes on the responsibility of honoring Luke and this lineage for the legacy to perpetuate itself? The director, J.J., can bring back the name himself in several ways. Abrams that may not be as risky as saying, literally bringing a Skywalker back from the dead, from a narrative point of view.

Related: The Skywalker trailer has recycled the laughter of the emperor Lucasfilm chests

For the moment, we are mainly back in this period of hopeless speculation until new sequences appear, or until Lucasfilm decides to start shooting the curtain with official photos, Star Wars products, interviews and other things like that. But it will probably take some time before this happens. So, the speculation is. Star Wars: The rise of Skywalker should be released in the theater on December 20th. Do not hesitate to consult the original message in question on ecco500 on Twitter account below.


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