Amanda Ribas sees two-year sanction imposed by USADA


Amanda Ribas has been suspended by the US Anti-Doping Agency for almost two years, but this penalty has now been reduced.

USADA announced on Friday that Ribas' two-year suspension for a positive drug test as of June 7, 2017 had been lifted, with immediate effect. Ribas has been tested positive for ostarine, an anabolic agent banned by USADA all year round. However, it has since been established that the failure of the 25-year-old Brazilian's test resulted from a contaminated supplement. She becomes the last fighter to receive a shortened suspension due to evidence of contamination, joining a list of fighters including Sean O'Malley and Nicco Montano.

Ribas (7-1) signed with the UFC two years ago and was scheduled to make his debut in July 2017 before his suspension to USADA was pronounced.

The USADA statement explains that its decision to terminate the suspension of Ribas stems from "the likelihood that its positive test is the result of a food supplement contaminated with ostrine" and that four subsequent tests gave negative results.

Ribas was also suspended for two years by the Nevada Sports Commission. USADA informed CAN of its decision to end the suspension of Ribas. After the resolution of the NAC suspension, Ribas will again be eligible to participate.


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