Michael Cohen will share the prison with 'The Situation & # 39;


On Monday, Trump's former "repairman", Michael Cohen, goes to the Otisville federal prison in New York State, where he can play petanque and tennis with his fellow offenders "The Situation", Fyre Festival fraudster Billy McFarland, and former Senate Speaker Dean Skelos.

Cohen, 53, will enter the medium-security federal penitentiary facility in Otisville, Catskills, about 70 kilometers from Manhattan, to begin a three-year prison sentence for tax evasion, lie in front of Congress and campaign funding.

He will sleep in a bunk bed in a room similar to a barracks, where there are about 115 other inmates, reported the Associated Press.

He will be assigned a locker for his belongings and will have access to washers and dryers, a microwave and an ice machine.

Facilities include tennis courts, horseshoes and cardio equipment. About half of the beds go to Jews who, like Cohen, need kosher food and Shabbat services.

It is not surprising that Bernie Madoff has unsuccessfully asked to be placed there – or that Forbes once ranked Otisville among the "10 Mildest Prisons in America".


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