Vince Vaughn Escapes Potential Imprisonment With "No Challenge" Plea in DUI Case – Deadline


Nearly a year after being intercepted at a Manhattan Beach police checkpoint and refusing a sobriety test, Vince Vaughn was tried Friday by the courts. He will come out with a less serious charge and no term of imprisonment.

the Wedding Crashers Star himself was not present at the Los Angeles Superior Court today, but his lawyer argued "unchallenged" in favor of reducing the charge of careless driving related to alcohol. As a result, Vaughn was sentenced to a three-year summary probation period and a three-month alcohol program.

To prevent incidents such as those of June 10, 2018 from happening again, the actor also can not apply for a "preliminary alcohol screening test during the probationary period if the forces of the" order ask for it, "according to the LA County Attorney's Office

Perhaps the hardest of all, Vaughn was informed, through his attorney, that he was driving again intoxicated and was fatally beating someone, he said. could be charged with murder.

Given this and the fact that it was Vaughn's first episode with DUI, today's plea was a very good deal for the group. True detective alum, all things considered.

Previously, under the initial charges of DA Jackie Lacey 's team, Vaughn, was considering a potential year of imprisonment if she was convicted of two counts of combined driving offenses with impaired under the influence of an alcoholic beverage, driving with at least 0.08% alcohol in the blood, refusing to comply with a peace officer and refusing to submit to a inspection.

While the Manhattan Beach police were not able to get Vaughn out of his vehicle during the 16 June episode at 4 pm, they were able to stop him early the next morning.

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Having been the first to star in 1996 swingersVaughn was recently seen in the March issue of Lionsgate Dragged on the concrete. The disgraced police drama has reunited Vaughn with his Hacksaw Ridge director Mel Gibson.


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