Trump strikes firefighter union president "stupid" after group support in Biden


President TrumpDonald John TrumpKushner believes that the peace plan for the Middle East is a "good starting point". Dem Alabama's legislator, struggling with more controversial remarks, made more controversial remarks. Pelosi will deliver an opening address to the state of San Francisco PLUS stepped up its fight against the International Association of Fire Fighters Friday, a few days after announcing its support for the Democratic presidential candidate Joe BidenJoseph (Joe) Biden RobinKellyanne Conway hits Biden: "A big lie" saying that he asked Obama not to approve Biden can not surpass the progressive beast that will devour him. Giuliani calls for an investigation into Biden about a so-called conflict of interest MORE.

Trump called the leader of the group, Harold Schaitberger, "stupid" and suggested that the firefighters' union revoke him.

"The International Union Firefighters Association is rebelling against its very stupid leader. Maybe they will revoke it. He does not understand! Trump tweeted on Friday.

The tweet was linked to a Facebook page titled "IAFF Union Firefighters for Trump", created on Monday.

"Our movement comes from dedicated members of IAFF, frustrated by the exploitation of our political capital by our leaders, to promote a candidate / political party whose values ​​go against ours. . The vast majority of IAFF members feel like us, "reads the biography of the group.

The page, which was open to anyone with a Facebook profile, announced Friday night that she had grown to more than 16,500 members in just over three days.

Trump protested the union leaders since he announced his support for former Vice President Biden.

"I will never get the support of the Dues Crazy union management, those people who ring their members with ridiculously high dues, medical and other expenses while receiving a fortune. But members love Trump. They look at our record economy, tax cuts, the military, and so on. WINNER! Trump tweeted Monday.

Trump then retweeted nearly 60 messages in a dam on Wednesday morning, claiming that even though the union leadership supported Biden, his single members backed the president.

Schaitberger acknowledged that not all members would be satisfied with Biden's approval.

"It's a very diverse union politically, and we recognize and celebrate it. But the responsibility of our union is to make our political decisions on issues that affect livelihoods and professions, the economic future and the future of retirement. [of our members], "Schaitberger told Time on Wednesday.

The president's relatives say Biden could be the toughest opponent in the president's parliamentary elections if he wins the Democratic Party's nomination because of his appeal to the voters of the working class Rust Belt.


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