Risk of Rain 2 exceeds one million sales


… and their sales were electric

Early access is always a challenge for developers. They put forward an ongoing project on which they plan to continue working but still want people to pay for it. This is also a gamble for consumers because it's not as simple as reading a review or watching a video about the current state of the game. You need to trust the developer enough to finish the project even after being paid.

Whether because of their previous versions or proof of concept, Hopoo Games apparently overcame the difficulty by crossing the million sales for Chance of rain 2 while you are still in early access.

What is amazing is that, according to the publishers, the million sales have crossed the original Chance of rain five years to reach, and here the sequel took almost a month. I can not really say that I am surprised though. Chance of rain 2 takes the original roguelike concept of landing on extraterrestrial planets and collecting enough power before the world gets too strong and bringing it back almost perfectly into the 3D world.

There is such a superpower that gives you powerful weapon combinations, knowing perfectly that the monsters around you are also becoming more powerful than it is an unbridled joy to play. In addition, Hopoo has corrected and improved the multiplayer mode after destroying it in the original, so there is a whole fun aspect to it.

Chance of rain 2 is currently in early access on Steam with a final version scheduled for spring 2020, after which it is planned to bring it also to the consoles.

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