Call of Duty 2019 reveals that his will would take place in May


MW4 Worldwide Reveal - The Modern War 4 - Call of Duty 2019

Activision recently held its first-quarter investor call to review recent months and discuss some of their upcoming plans. In addition to the many statements regarding the next payment, it seems that the Call of Duty 2019 is close.

CoD 2019 Reveal in May

At the investor conference, Rob Kostich, president of Activision, confirmed that Call of Duty 2019 "will be revealed later this quarter," reassuring fans that an announcement was imminent. The only problem is that "later this quarter" can technically mean anytime by the end of June, though.

Following a new report, it seems that the unveiling of Call of Duty 2019 will almost certainly take place in May. "You will not have to wait until June," says the news editor of Eurogamer A flawless stayTom Phillips. This also corresponds to the information that INTEL Gaming has received.

While a revelation in May is the norm for the vast majority of previous Call of Duty titles, it should not be so surprising.

It also happens that this is the case Phillips was one of many journalists to have recently launched Modern Warfare 4, which had been unveiled for the first time by INTEL Gaming in May 2018.

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In a recent Eurogamer article on some NFL stars who had been awarded the title before its launch, the words "Modern", "War", "Fair" and "Four" were implemented as a teaser. encrypted, which is another reason to believe that MW4 will be the next addition to the franchise.

PREVIOUS REPORT: Modern Warfare 4 Multiplayer will not feature specialized characters or Battle Royale.

Call for investors Activision Q1

Along with the confirmation of a difficult period for CoD 2019, Activision also commented on other aspects of the upcoming game. Here is what they said:

  • This is their "biggest and most important launch of CoD".
  • The title "will be published in the fourth quarter of 2019."
  • The game and its post-launch content will provide fans with opportunities to "change the game".
  • Infinity Ward is working hard on Call of Duty 2019.
  • Activision "looks forward to what will happen later this year".
  • They "continue to feel incredibly good about this year's game".

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Although some of these quotes are usually mentioned each year in one way or another, it really seems that Modern Warfare 4 will truly revolutionize the franchise for the better.

Leak controller


Source: News Editor

Expected announcement: Mid-May



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