Tesla email warns employees: stop leaks


Tesla's security team this week issued a warning to employees that they will stop disclosing information about the company.

The e-mail, which was shared with CNBC and verified by several current employees who requested anonymity, warned that foreigners who "would do anything to see us fail" target the employees to obtain information via social networks and other methods.

He reminded employees that they had signed confidentiality agreements and warned them: "Tesla will take action against those who disclose confidential business information or violate confidentiality obligations that have been agreed upon. employment, even the damage of criminal charges. "

The e-mail was partly leaked in the media, noting: "In January, an employee was identified for sharing confidential business information on Twitter, including production numbers, with reporters."

He also said that a person had recently been fired for publishing the phone number at an internal meeting on social media.

Tesla and his CEO, Elon Musk, have a love-hate relationship with the media, as well as social media, including Twitter, which Musk uses obsessively, and Facebook, which he scorns.

In the last two weeks alone, journalists have reported adverse news about Tesla, including:

These stories may overshadow some of society's recent achievements, including:

It is not surprising, therefore, that the Tesla security team this week chose to send a warning to employees to tell them, in so many words, that the loose lips are sinking the ships.

Subj. Please read – Privacy Reminder

If you read the news, you know there is a lot of public interest in everything related to Tesla. Thanks to our success, we will continue to see an interest from those who will do everything we can to fail. This includes people who are actively seeking proprietary information for their own benefit, targeting Tesla employees via personal networks or social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter. These solicitations are not only potentially damaging to our society, but they may also be illegal, exposing you and your colleagues / friends to dismissal or even criminal prosecution.

As an employee and shareholder, each of us has the responsibility to protect all the information and technologies we use and generate every day.

When anyone joins Tesla, it is important to keep "absolute confidentiality and not to disclose, use, lecture or publish information" about Tesla's confidential and proprietary information. Tesla will take action against those who improperly disclose proprietary business information or violate the confidentiality obligations that have been agreed upon. This includes termination of employment, claims for damages and even criminal charges. If you would like another copy of your privacy agreement, please send an email to your HR partner or email. [HR email address redacted].

If you receive a request for information through social media, do not respond and send it directly to [Security email address redacted].

The security team will determine if additional actions are needed.

We recognize that all people who disclose information do not do so intentionally or with the intention of harming the company. At this point, we ask you to assume that your work is sensitive and not to share the details of your work with your friends, family or people outside the organization.

Contact [Security email address redacted] if you think that you or your team may benefit from training or a more complete understanding of the protection of our intellectual property and our confidential business information.

If you are not sure what constitutes unacceptable behavior, illegal disclosures, or theft of intellectual property, here are some recent examples of inappropriate behavior and its potential consequences:

* This month, an employee posted login information from an internal meeting on social media. This employee was identified and fired the next day.

* A crime charge was filed last month against a former employee who had leaked confidential business information from the Tesla domain to his personal account and threatened to disclose confidential company information.

* A former employee transferred Tesla's intellectual property to an iCloud personal account and left the company for a competitor. Tesla filed a lawsuit and sued him for stealing trade secrets.

* Tesla has filed a lawsuit against former employees and a competitor for stealing confidential information and trade secrets in order to help the competitor to exceed the years of work required for the development and management of its own warehousing, logistics and inventory control operations.

* In January, an employee was identified for sharing confidential business information on Twitter, including production numbers, with reporters. The employee was fired for violating the NDA and Tesla's communications policy.

It is the responsibility of every employee to honor and maintain our culture of progress and sharing, while respecting the company's policy. To do otherwise would hurt your colleagues, our mission and the hard work you do every day. Thank you for doing your part to advance Tesla's mission by raising awareness and protecting your valuable work.


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