A man claims to have accidentally swallowed his AirPod and found that it was still working after his digestive system: "The battery was still at 41%"



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  • A man in Taiwan discovered that his AirPod still worked after being swallowed and passed through his digestive system, according to The Daily Mail.
  • Ben Hsu allegedly swallowed the atrium while he was sleeping.
  • The AirPod did not hurt Hsu because he was not directly exposed to his battery, the report says, citing an emergency doctor.
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A man in Taiwan discovered that his AirPod was still functional after accidentally swallowing it, according to a Daily Mail report.

Ben Hsu would have fallen asleep while wearing Apple's wireless headphones and would have discovered that he was missing a headset when he woke up. He then used Apple's tracking feature to find it, prompting an unconnected, connected and handy AirPod, according to the Daily Mail.

Hsu heard the beep, but initially did not know where he was coming from.

"I checked under my blanket and looked around but I could not find it – then I realized that the sound was coming from my stomach," he said, according to the Daily Mail .

Read more: Your AirPods are probably disgusting – here's how to clean them

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Man accidentally swallows an Apple AirPod … and it still works after the passage of his system https://t.co/nxioruNpMi

Doctors at the Kaohsiung Municipal Hospital have indeed confirmed that the AirPod was in his stomach and was going through his digestive system, the report said. Hsu said he found the AirPod the next day, after having gone naturally. The atrium was still intact and worked properly after it had been cleaned and allowed to dry.

"The battery was still 41%," he said, according to the Daily Mail. "It was amazing." He described his experience with Apple's AirPods as "magical," according to the report.

A doctor working in the hospital emergency room said that swallowing the AirPod had not hurt Hsu because he was not directly exposed to the battery of the device.

This is not the first time that electronic devices are swallowed. In 2016, a man in Ireland swallowed a whole cell phone and had to undergo surgery to remove it from his stomach, reported Live Science. The incident was documented in the International Journal of Surgery's case reports, and the man would have recovered normally. In South Korea, a 13-year-old girl also swallowed her fitness tracking tracker Misfit Shine, who was also working after doctors kidnapped her, as Live Science reported.

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