The economic conquests of democrats without foundation give Trump an advantage in 2020: Linda McMahon


April's employment report surpassed expectations with the creation of 263,000 additional jobs in the US economy and a drop in unemployment to 3.6%, a record 50-year high.

After the report, President Trump touted the Ministry of Labor's figures in a tweet.

"JOBS, JOBS, JOBS!" He wrote. "Jobs jumped in April and the unemployment rate hit its lowest level since 1969."

But what would the Democratic candidates say in the presidential elections in 2020? The former head of the small business administration, Linda McMahon, said that she would attack Attorney General Bill Barr.

"I mean, I do not know what answer they will have except to impeach Bill Barr," she told FOX Business's Stuart Varney on Friday. "Well, let's go get it and then, let's go to the president. Because they can not talk about the economy. "


According to McMahon, the economic scum of Democratic leaders is unfounded and gives Trump an edge in 2020.

"It's just, they have no basis for talking about the economy and it's growing – people are feeling it – they're happy. And I just think it's a win-win situation for the president in 2020. "

Former Vice President Joe Biden launched his presidential campaign last week in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he violated Trump's policy by stating that wages were stagnating. However, McMahon said that they continued to grow about 3.2%.


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