The economy of Trump roared. Will it transport it in 2020?


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By Jonathan Allen

WASHINGTON – There's really only one word – "boom!" – describe the economic situation surrounding President Donald Trump at 18 months of the 2020 elections.

On Friday, the Labor Department announced that the economy would create 263,000 additional jobs and that hourly wages would have increased by two tenths of a percent in April. The unemployment rate – 3.6% – is at its lowest level since December 1969, before the birth of nine Democrats who ran for office.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average index of major shares has approached the record of its record in recent days, its gross domestic product grew by 3.2% in the first quarter and, while some Democrat candidates contend that the income inequality means that most Americans are not ". Not feeling the real benefits of large numbers, this message competes with more general figures and other topics.

Trump's allies see a president who competently heads the country in the right direction with regard to jobs and the economy, the issues that matter most to voters, and in which a Democratic party pleads for a pivot 180 degrees at his own risk.

"As Democrats turn to socialism and waste their time attacking the president, the US economy is booming thanks to President Trump's tax cuts and deregulation policies," said Boris. Epshteyn, Sinclair Broadcast Group political commentator and former Trump special assistant. to the White House.

"The low unemployment rate observed over the past 50 years, GDP growth of more than 3% and the sharp rise in wages translate into a president's approval rate of more than 55%," he said. declared in a text exchange with NBC News. "Starting in 2020, Trump's economy puts Democrats in an impossible position to try to find ways to do better."

Under normal circumstances, a president on these economic figures could be re-elected in a radical way.

But Trump's overall approval ratings have always been weak, his match scores against potential Democratic Party rivals have always been unimpressive, and his reluctance to use his platform to keep the electorate focused on the good news remains almost inexplicable. in traditional political terms.

"If Trump was spending just one day a week and reducing homework numbers, time and pressure were pushing him to take the step to increase his approval rate," said Ron Bonjean, Republican strategist at Rokk. Solutions, who helped guide Neil Gorsuch Confirmation of the Supreme Court.

"In order to take advantage politically of the record growth of employment and unemployment, Trump must devote time to talk in a sustained way," Bonjean said via e-mail. "While most presidents would spend every moment of their sleep announcing this good news, Trump will not follow the manual, and he will likely be looking for unrelated titles because he likes that power."

Trump's ability to use the economy to improve his lot may be there if only he grasped it – and if the economy continues to progress on a positive path.

Trump's approval on the economy has reached 56%, according to a CNN poll released this week, and its overall figure has reached 45%. But in the majority of recent inquiries into face-to-face clashes, Trump is lagging behind most of his major Democratic rivals.

But the Trump campaign, which is determined to bring new voters into the process of expanding its coalition, has not revealed any concerns about its approval in independent polls.

Kayleigh McEnany, spokesperson for the campaign, said on Friday that the president had a better story to tell than his opponents.

"With this kind of momentum, we are eager to hear Democrats 'economic plans as they tell Americans that they do not feel the aftermath of Trump' s economy, while 39, in fact, workers around the world can feel the boom! " she said in a statement.

Mick Mulvaney, Trump's interim chief of staff and former Republican member of the House of Representatives of South Carolina, said Tuesday that a strong economy could override Americans' concerns about personal conduct. Of the president.

"People will vote for someone they do not like if they think it is good for them," Mulvaney said at a conference.

Democrats were reluctant to discuss economic numbers on Friday. None of the best Democratic candidates – Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris or Pete Buttigieg – had tweeted about them at noon.

Democratic strategist Chris Kofinis said the Democrats should tackle Trump head-on, highlighting the gap between global economic numbers and the experience of American workers who do not feel that their wages, maintenance or that their savings can withstand disturbances.

"The interest of Democrats lies in what real people live and not in fixing the number of unemployed," he said during a phone interview. "They see this deep income inequality that is paralyzing them – it's the real story of this economy, which Trump does not want to talk about, and that's what the Democrats have to talk about."

Some of the Democratic candidates, including Warren and Sanders, have placed income inequality and related issues at the center of their campaigns. And Democrats won a majority in the House in mid-2018, mainly campaigning against Republican attempts to dismantle Obamacare and ensuring that insurance policies cover pre-existing medical conditions – a major financial problem millions of Americans.

But that's far from the only problem the Democrats are talking about – dismissal is an obsession of their party – and that dilutes their ability to counter Trump's speech on the economy.

While the economy is unpredictable and it will take 18 months before voters make a decision on Trump, no one disputes that good numbers are better for him than the other way around. The big questions are whether the trend can continue and if it can take advantage of it.


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