Explosion of a silicone factory: 4 wounded people and 3 missing people in Waukegan, Illinois


The explosion occurred at AB Specialty Silicones at Waukegan, about 40 miles north of Chicago, the police said. L & # 39; Company describes itself as a manufacturer of specialty silicone chemicals.

"The catastrophic explosion" took place around 21:30. local time, said the Cmdr. Joe Florip, a spokesman for the Waukegan Police.

Three employees are missing, said Waukegan Fire Marshal Steven Lenzi.

"Many neighboring properties will be damaged," he said.

The fire has been extinguished, and dangerous goods technicians and other teams are on the scene and are focusing their efforts on the research, Lenzi said. No cause for the blast has been determined, and the Illinois fire marshal will participate in an investigation, he said.

Florip said the plant was open at the time of the blast – and that several employees went out. Four people, all employees, were transported to hospitals in the area with moderate to severe injuries, officials said.

Damages estimated at $ 1 million

The damage from the blast is estimated at more than a million dollars, Lenzi said in a statement. It damaged at least five other buildings in the area.

"Firefighters, police and paramedics are working hard on this scene," Lake County Sheriff's Office said on Twitter. "Please stay away from the area and let the first responders work."

The office had tweeted earlier that he was aware of a "very loud explosion sound" and an "earthquake".

"Although we have not been informed of any particular danger, it is recommended that local residents stay indoors with the windows closed without heating / air conditioning at the present time. "said Joyce Mason, representative of Illinois on Facebook.

The authorities later stated that they did not think that the quality of the air or the need to be on the spot is a source of concern.


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