Governor of New Jersey signs law protecting public access to waterways: NPR


Beach lovers play volleyball on Belmar Beach, N.J. Governor Phil Murphy signed a law Friday that protects the public's right to access the waterways and shorelines of the state.

Wayne Parry / AP

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Wayne Parry / AP

Beach lovers play volleyball on Belmar Beach, N.J. Governor Phil Murphy signed a law Friday that protects the public's right to access the waterways and shorelines of the state.

Wayne Parry / AP

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed a bill on Friday to resolve decades-long disputes in his state over who will gain access to the state's beaches and waterfront.

Murphy, a Democrat, has signed a law that enshrines into law the doctrine of public trust of the state, ensuring that the public has access to the shores and tidal waters used for commerce, navigation and recreation – including swimming, swimming and fishing.

"New Jersey's coastal and coastal communities are among the greatest treasures in our state," Murphy said in a statement. "By strengthening the public's right to access our beaches, we are ensuring that all residents and visitors to New Jersey can enjoy our beautiful shoreline this summer and for generations to come."

In New Jersey and other states, access to the public beach is a controversial issue, with some communities attempting to limit access to the beach by imposing user fees, limiting nearby parking or selling points accessible to private developers.

"It's a very important piece of legislation," said Tim Dillingham, executive director of the American Littoral Society, a group protecting the sea. "It provides New Jersey citizens with policies that will reinforce and promote public access to tidal waters, not only beaches, but also along rivers and backyards, "he told NPR.

But not everyone is happy with the new law.

Some environmentalists say that does not go far enough.

"This bill does not advance the public's access significantly," said Jeff Tittel, executive director of the New Jersey Sierra Club, quoted by the Associated Press. "It has vague language that could lead to many lawsuits from cities that have been struggling for years against access to the beach.They want money for the beaches, funded by the They simply do not want the public on these beaches. "

Dillingham agrees that the new law does not solve all the problems related to public access. For example, it does not deal with local beach fees or "street tips", referring to local communities that sell the tip of a street to a private landowner who then blocks access points to the beach.

The law "still sets a pretty strong standard," Dillingham said.

Some developers had argued that public access to the beach could sometimes conflict with private property rights.

The new law exempts some waterfront infrastructure sites related to homeland security, such as oil and gas facilities.


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