Apex Legends hacker gets live karma live on Twitch


Hackers have attacked Apex Legends in recent weeks. However, a cheater got exactly what he deserved to live live on Twitch, after spoiling the match for his opponents.

Respawn Entertainment launched the game in February 2019 and no one expected the new royal battle to explode in popularity.

As in any big game, players were looking to gain an unfair advantage over their opponents and hackers were extremely prevalent for several weeks, which changed the experience a lot.

Background picture: @MuratoTheBandit

Apex Legends

Respawn has been quick to ban hackers from Apex Legends.

The developer has actively sought to fight the number of cheats, revealing that an impressive number of players have either their account banned or suspended as a result of their actions.

Unfortunately, cheaters still find ways around the anti-cheat system that Respawn set up and that Twitch's streamer, Nice Wigg, found out the hard way.

After watching his two teammates get hit almost instantly, the player named "Lasering Everyone" eliminated the streamer, bringing the number of shots to 17, which suggested to Twitch that he was in the process of cheat.

"That kid was good guy," said Wigg. "17 dead ?! Do you think he's cheating? Let's look. "

Cheater Apex Legends Suffers Humiliating Death

Wigg continued to watch the hacker to confirm his suspicions and got more than he had expected after watching the player pick up two more eliminations.

The hacker hid in a corner to heal himself before plundering his slaughtered enemies to realize that his character model was stuck, forcing him to be killed by the circle despite his efforts to escape.

Wigg could not contain his excitement shouting, "He can not go out! He is stuck! […] Karma is a bitch!

While in this case the cheater got what he deserved, hackers remain one of the biggest problems that the Respawn Entertainment team is currently facing.

Additional ways to eliminate the cheaters have been confirmed, so we hope that the problem will be eliminated sooner or later.


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