The majority of Americans do not know why Cinco de Mayo is celebrated


Know the real reason why Cinco de Mayo is a holiday? Congratulations, you are in the minority!

According to a new survey of 2,000 Americans, only 22% of those surveyed know that Cinco de Mayo is a celebration of the Mexican army's victory over the French empire.

But it's not because you're not sure exactly why it's a holiday that you can not celebrate because half of the study participants say that they celebrate regularly Cinco de Mayo, one in four declaring having planned this year.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Mexican lawyers, the study also revealed that one in eight new participants would be hosting an evening at Cinco de Mayo this year.

And if you need a reminder about how to behave at your Cinco de Mayo party this year – or any other party as a result – you're in luck.

The survey then uncovered some of the biggest fake parties and showed that being sick (49%) and staying on the phone all night (45%) are among the biggest absences at a party.

Spilling food or drinks (39%), bringing in an uninvited guest (32%), coming in too early (19%) and not bringing food or drinks was also very dirty.

And if you commit one of these party sins, it's possible that this hinders your invitation to the next, since 46% of respondents say that they would be less likely to invite a guest if they were committing a fake party during a previous engagement. .

"Apart from that, partygoers and party guests have a lot to expect from this Cinco de Mayo," said Kevin Hamilton, Marketing Director at Avocados From Mexico. "With 74% of respondents saying it was not a Cinco de Mayo celebration without guacamole, it is clear that lawyers will be welcome to all Cinco celebrations."

If you intend to present yourself at a party that is not on time, the survey has pinpointed precisely too early, too late and fashionable.

If you want to arrive early, for some insane reason, make sure you do not arrive more than 18 minutes before the scheduled start time.

If you want to be late fashionable, introduce yourself about 36 minutes after the start time. But do not arrive more than 56 minutes after the tee time – depending on the results, it is officially "too late".

Nevertheless, if you want to be safe, the perfect time to present yourself at a party, depending on the results, is exactly at the time.

"When planning your party, remember that Mexico's lawyers are always in season and are still worthy of being part of Cinco's festivities," said Hamilton. "As the survey says, it's not Cinco without guacamole; and we like to say that it is not avocado guacamole from Mexico. "

How would you like to most like lawyers in Cinco de Mayo?

guacamole 41 percent
Toast to the lawyer 12 percent
As a garnish on another dish (salad, burger, etc.) 17%
In liquid drink or cocktail 8%
By them selves 8%


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