Here's 1 thing we know about Daniel Jones as his Giants career begins | Politi


Daniel Jones already has mastered The Eli Manning Shrug, and if you have followed the Giants for the past 15 years, you know exactly what that means.

It is the slightest lift of the shoulders after a question of a reporter, one that is usually accompanied by a tilt of the head and a polite smile. This gesture makes it clear to the media that they can close their notebooks and turn off their cameras.

That perfect soundbite is not forthcoming.

Jones held his first official press conference at the team's headquarters on Friday afternoon, and I knew the Giants had their hands on the room. That was when I found myself checking my Twitter feed and wondering what I would have for lunch.

"This is a huge opportunity for someone like me. This was the place I wanted to be. To get the call, it was thrilling and I am happy to be here, "I said, I would just grab a couple slices of pizza on the way home.

Jones is thoughtful, well spoken and unfailingly polite. He is also boooooring – and, as far as the Giants are concerned, blissfully so.

So let us go to the debate about whether the Giants should have used the No. 6 overall pick on the Duke quarterback with this news: Jones is also going to take the baton from Manning in another way. He will continue No. 10's long tradition of not doing anything that will create the kind of off-the-field controversies that the Giants hate more than even losing to the Cowboys.

This is no small deal, either. Manning has done it for so long that we've forgotten how the smallest misstep or mildly controversial how can create a firestorm. For a reminder, you need only to get started in Washington.

The Ohio State star Dwayne Haskins. The Redskins grabbed him at No. 15 instead, and in his first week with the team, the rookie asked the Super Bowl winner if he could wear Theismann's long-retired No. 7. He graciously agreed.

Small thing, right?

Now you can imagine what might have happened if Jones came into town and asked to wear No. 11. Even if Phil Simms gave him an enthusiastic thumbs up, the idea would have created a weeklong you-know-what storm. Mike Francesa's head would have exploded. This is, as Jones already knows, a different world.

"I think anyone is coming into New York," he said. "It's all part of it. It's my job to make people believe in me and I understand that. There is a lot of work to do and I am excited to do that. "

So Jones did not even ask to take over Duke – 17 – from Kyle Lauletta, who might not even be on this roster in a few months. He picked No. 8. Why? "There were several options," Jones said. "I think eight is a good number. Old Kobe (Bryant), I guess. "

Nothing to see here.

Looks: Handling this stuff will not matter if it's going to be a big hit on Sunday afternoons. But it certainly helps that he has the right to tune out the noise. I asked him if he had any questions about the question before giving the perfect answer.

"It would be hard to be completely unaware of a lot of that stuff," Jones said. "I do not focus on it. There is a lot to focus on and a lot to learn right now. Being here, learning the offense and trying to pick up a bunch of stuff. I'm sure I can really afford to focus on that. "

If somebody told me I was not sure I would be whispering that I would not be happy. Even the verbal ticks were vintage Eli. Jones might not have mastered the offense yet, but he's got the shrug down pat.

And that's a good place to start.

Steve Politi may be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @StevePoliti. find on Facebook.


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