Prevent now: It's time for Democrats to fight or surrender. History will judge them


"If you can not stand something, you'll fall for nothing," says an old element of political wisdom. The Democratic Party apparently did not learn this lesson. That's why (among other reasons) Donald Trump will probably defeat the Democratic candidate – no matter what – and win the 2020 presidential election.

On Wednesday, Attorney General William Barr testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee about how he had handled the report of Special Advocate Robert Mueller on obstructing Donald's justice and collusion Trump and his entourage with Russia.

Barr has again shown himself to be the hand man of Donald Trump and a man who does not serve the American people or the rule of law. In this role, Barr essentially argued that Donald Trump is a king above the law. has repeatedly lied and misrepresented Mueller's findings; hijacked what Mueller (in) two separate letters expressed as serious concerns as to how Barr distorted the conclusions of the Trump-Russia investigation; and in total defiled the Office of the Attorney General and the Ministry of Justice.

Barr and the Trump regime despise basic democratic standards such as checks and balances. As such, Barr refused to testify Thursday before the Judiciary Committee of the House.

David Rothkopf, Political Consultant, described the importance of Barr's testimony before the Senate:

I do not think we fully realize the depth of Barr's statements yesterday. The ideas that a president can determine whether or not to investigate him or whether a president is unable to obstruct are not just scandalous attacks on constitutional values.

Taken in the context of the current government's systematic rejection of the supervisory role exercised by Congress and the law – whether in relation to the constitutional emoluments clause or the obligation clause from the IRS to hand over the tax returns to the Ways and Means Committee president – what we see is nothing short of a coup, to use a word that the President likes very much. Trump and Barr seek to eliminate the checks and balances that characterize our system and effectively enslave Congress to the presidency.

It was less the story of the Democrats who had forced Barr out of the shadows and shamed the devil than to show the world, to his shame, what he really is – Trump's vassal and human puppetry.

How did the Democratic senators react to that? With a discomforting discomfort but generally polite. Barr's behavior and the threat he poses to American democracy have caused little anger and fire.

Democrats have made several statements about Donald Trump's regime. They have repeatedly and correctly claimed that Trump is an authoritarian who does not respect the rule of law. They correctly explained that Trump is a racist, a nativists, a misogynist and a bigot who wants to overthrow America's multiracial democracy. The damning conclusions of the Mueller report are set aside and explain how he describes an uncontrollable and dangerous president. Democrats were also right to explain how Trump's public and private behavior reflected a range of serious crimes and misdemeanors, including obstruction of justice and apparent financial crimes. and other corrupt behaviors.

Michael Tomasky writes to the Daily Beast:

Trump is a particularly sick man, that's right. But what kind of political party designates, celebrates, venerates and takes political bullets for a particularly sick man?

So, after today, if we had not done it before, we now see with a new and strangely liberating the direction in which it is headed. It remains 18 months before polling day. This is perhaps the most important and scariest segment in the country's history, or at least since the reconstruction.

This racket known as the political party will try to pervert the law in a new way. Reverse the meaning of every word we know. Trump shouts that he is the victim of a "coup d'etat". What he does, of course, is to commit a coup against the Constitution, with the enthusiastic help of Barr, Graham and all the others. Trump is an idiot, but at an intuitive level, he is an intelligent man, smart enough to know that to stage a coup, the first thing to do is to accuse your opponents of trying to organize one.

Yet Democratic Party leaders, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, have now indicated that they were willing to work with the Trump regime on a set of infrastructure worth $ 2 trillion. dollars. If the Democrats really believe their own arguments against Trump, they should do everything in their power to stop it. In addition, they should refuse to cooperate with Trump and the Republican Party on any legislation. This only gives Trump legitimacy, which gives him even more power. Unfortunately, it seems that the Democratic leaders are only too willing to help the Americans, Mussolini, to keep the trains running.

As Politico reported this big deal:

After an hour-and-a-half meeting at the Oval Office to discuss an infrastructure bill, the two sides hurry to say that their first deal could have been concluded this year: a plan for to spend $ 2 trillion on repairing ruined roads and bridges. It does not matter that they have left open the way to deal with the huge bill.

"Constructive," said Schumer, the Democratic leader of the Senate. "Excellent," said Sarah Huckabee Sanders, White House press secretary. …

There is at least one explanation: Trump and the Democrats are longing for a legislative victory – or less, the appearance of a real legislative effort – ahead of the 2020 elections. Trump is about to embark on a tough campaign of re-election with key promises, including a huge infrastructure plan, which has yet to be honored. Democrats are eager to move from the Russia issue to more concrete issues, such as economics, and to give alternative district moderates topics for discussion on bipartite action.

This infrastructure bill reflects an almost fatal flaw in the current Democratic Party, where compromise and "moderation" are placed above the principle and act appropriately.

This is a symptom of the desperate need of Democratic leaders (and too many elected and grassroots members) to always appear as "reasonable" and as "adults in the room". This weakness has allowed an amoral conservative movement to pull Democrats further and further to the right over the last few decades. The political hostages and the authoritarianism of the Republican Party are almost never punished. In practice, this means that Democrats encourage and reward such reprehensible behavior, such as a parent who regales a bratty child to end a tantrum. The result is President Donald Trump, the adult waiting tyrant.

What should the Democratic Party do in response to Donald Trump's reckless disregard for the Constitution, democracy and the rule of law? It's simple: Trump should be immediately dismissed.

Strategically and tactically, such a decision will give the Democratic Party a clear problem and a message to focus on. Contrary to a widespread objection that a failed impeachment process would weaken the Democrats, history shows that when the Republicans removed Clinton – and failed to condemn him – the Republican party was in a stronger position. in the future.

Yes, Donald Trump is an almost unique threat to American democracy, which will certainly use impeachment to fuel his conspiracy theories and further strengthen his power over his members of political worship. But the indictment would also show the American people and the world that Trump will be actively opposed and resist by all available means. The merits of the latter outweigh the concerns about the former.

Preventing Donald Trump would also allow Democrats to lead on this issue, instead of remaining prisoners of mercurial whims and moods of public opinion. A majority of the American people are desperate by a leader who will stand up against Donald Trump and the Republican Party. Democrats have not grabbed this coat.

And most worrisome of all, the longer the Democrats delay delaying the removal, the more the Donald Trump, the Republican Party and their captive media can condition the American people to a relative indifference to Trump's crimes against American democracy.

The most important thing is that to dismiss Donald Trump is the moral thing to do. Trump is a living eloquent example of why the editors enshrined in the US Constitution the power of Congress to dismiss an unfit president. As Jerry Nadler, chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the House, said yesterday, "The choice is simple: we can stand up to this president for the defense of the country, the Constitution and the freedom that we love, or let the moment pass … history will judge us for our challenge. "

Of course, Republicans are focused, as always, on "winning" and acting without restraint in the service of this goal. They are already preparing their next battle in their assault on the Democratic Party and the rule of law. Trump and his Republican party make the impeachment even more necessary.

In writing to Crooked Media, Brian Beutler details this plot:

All of these developments form the backdrop of a plan to knock out the Democratic candidate Trump is known to fear the most. Trump's associates have shown an unusual frankness, not seeming shy, fearing Biden would be defeated by Trump in the general election, and they apparently wish to neutralize the threat by engaging Biden in a politically-motivated criminal investigation.

It's not a smart strategy, but it's frank and scary. If it succeeds, it can and will be repeated to hinder the debate that Democrat Trump will fear the least and ultimately the Democratic candidate who will win the party's nomination in 2020.

Beutler concludes that there is "impenetrable behavior by essence", also designed "to entice the opposition party deemed phobic to impeachment against dismissal to become inactive". Democrats could bypass all this by immediately charging Trump, but "instead chose to let Trump know that all of these irregularities are acceptable – and less than a month after the publication of the Mueller report, their paralysis led to Trump's authoritarian desires. … And the worst thing is that Barr has been Trump's Attorney General for only two and a half months, which means they're just getting started. "

Democrats must indict Donald Trump and must not offer any compromise or compromise to Donald Trump and his party on any issue. To do less is to guarantee the defeat in the election of 2020 and probably the total capitulation of American democracy.

Are the Democrats strong enough and committed enough to do something so daring? Or will they rather compromise and surrender, as they have almost always done recently? The next few weeks will provide the answer.


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